path: root/content/6/
blob: 6e2b3e4632244a44b3cf0628595ec9ebd0745005 (plain) (tree)

date = 2021-07-03T13:23:34+02:00
title = "Firefox and the Link HTTP header"

tags = ["TIL"]

HTTP [defines](
the _Link_ header with which 
[_Link Relations_](
can be defined directly in the HTTP response. This lets websites define their
stylesheets or favicons without having to pass them in an HTML

When displaying certain files directly, Firefox wraps them in its own HTML. This
happens, for example, when you look at a `.txt` file marked as `text/plain` or
an image marked as `image/png`.

Turns out that for plain-text files, Firefox will load and honour any stylesheet
passed to it in the _Link_ header and apply it to its own HTML.  One could, for
example, link a stylesheet that overrides the font settings, or even include
pictures. Firefox will duly load all of these when displaying the file, whilst
_View Page Source_ will still show only the file itself.  It is only when
looking at the HTTP response and the _Network_ tab in the Inspector that you see
what exactly is happening.

{{ img(path="firefox-link-header.png", alt="Firefox displaying a plain-text file
alongside a picture.", caption="A plain-text file... in Comic Sans... that also
displays a picture?") }}

This does not seem to work when Firefox is displaying images and it doesn't work
_at all_ in Chromium-based browsers. The only relevant entry in Mozilla's
Bugzilla instance I could find was 
[this issue](
from 9 years ago.

Arguably this could be considered a bug, and I do strongly feel that Firefox
**should not** load any outside resource when displaying plain-text files. For
now, though, have fun confusing people with this.

Thanks to [puck]( for pointing this out to me.