path: root/ywalk
diff options
authorWolfgang Müller2021-11-14 18:55:52 +0100
committerWolfgang Müller2021-11-14 18:55:52 +0100
commit0fb4fc20559c9a5de5a10c74c1247635a1523255 (patch)
treedbd27ffd7e5d09af732e973455bea1e47e46609f /ywalk
Initial commitHEAD0.1.0trunk
Diffstat (limited to 'ywalk')
5 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ywalk/__init__.py b/ywalk/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ywalk/__init__.py
diff --git a/ywalk/graph.py b/ywalk/graph.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18556cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ywalk/graph.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+import math
+from collections import deque
+from ywalk.types import Connection, Mode
+class Graph:
+ 'least-hop': lambda c: 1,
+ 'least-time': lambda c: c.time + c.mode.weight,
+ }
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.connections = {}
+ self.nodes = 0
+ self.edges = 0
+ self.predicates = []
+ self.set_weight()
+ def add_predicate(self, predicate):
+ self.predicates.append(predicate)
+ def set_weight(self, spec=None):
+ self.weight_method = Graph.WEIGHTS[spec or 'least-time']
+ def add_connection(self, conn: Connection):
+ for place in [conn.origin, conn.destination]:
+ if place not in self.connections:
+ self.nodes = self.nodes + 1
+ self.connections[place] = set()
+ if conn not in self.connections[conn.origin]:
+ self.edges = self.edges + 1
+ self.connections[conn.origin].add(conn)
+ def add_recall(self, destination):
+ for origin in self.get_places():
+ if origin == destination:
+ continue
+ self.add_connection(Connection(origin, destination, Mode.RECALL, 0))
+ def __contains__(self, place):
+ return place in self.connections.keys()
+ def get_connections_from(self, place):
+ for conn in self.connections[place]:
+ yield conn
+ def get_connections_to(self, place):
+ for origin in self.get_places():
+ yield from self.get_connections_between(origin, place)
+ def get_connections_between(self, origin, destination):
+ for conn in self.connections[origin]:
+ if conn.destination == destination:
+ yield conn
+ def get_places(self):
+ return self.connections.keys()
+ def populate(self, gen):
+ for conn in gen:
+ self.add_connection(conn)
+ def shortest_paths(self, origin, destination=None):
+ tentative = list(self.get_places())
+ weights = {place: math.inf for place in self.get_places()}
+ hops = {}
+ weights[origin] = 0
+ while tentative:
+ current = min(tentative, key=weights.get)
+ tentative.remove(current)
+ # Exit early if we were given a destination and have reached it
+ if destination and current == destination:
+ return weights, hops
+ for conn in self.connections[current]:
+ if conn.destination not in tentative:
+ continue
+ next_hop = conn.destination
+ # Make sure to filter out any unwanted connections by setting
+ # their weight to infinity
+ if all(f(conn) for f in self.predicates):
+ alt_weights = weights[current] + self.weight_method(conn)
+ else:
+ alt_weights = math.inf
+ if alt_weights < weights[next_hop]:
+ weights[next_hop] = alt_weights
+ hops[next_hop] = conn
+ return weights, hops
+ def find_path(self, *args):
+ stops = deque(args)
+ current_stop = stops.popleft()
+ journey = []
+ while stops:
+ next_stop = stops.popleft()
+ _, hops = self.shortest_paths(current_stop, next_stop)
+ if not hops or next_stop not in hops:
+ return None
+ path = deque()
+ last_hop = next_stop
+ while last_hop in hops:
+ conn = hops[last_hop]
+ path.appendleft(conn)
+ last_hop = conn.origin
+ if path is None:
+ return None
+ journey.extend(path)
+ current_stop = next_stop
+ return journey
diff --git a/ywalk/main.py b/ywalk/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea4145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ywalk/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import argparse
+import configparser
+import math
+import os
+import sys
+import ywalk.parser as Parser
+from ywalk.types import Mode, Place
+from ywalk.graph import Graph
+class ParseModeRestriction(argparse.Action):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, args, option_string=None):
+ arglist = set(args.split(','))
+ for arg in arglist:
+ if arg.upper() not in Mode.__members__:
+ errx(f'Not a valid Mode: {arg}')
+ modes = [Mode[arg.upper()] for arg in arglist]
+ saved = getattr(namespace, self.dest) or []
+ saved.extend(modes)
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, saved)
+# pylint: disable=line-too-long
+cli = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+cli.add_argument('place', type=Place, nargs='*', help='a place in Morrowind')
+cli.add_argument('-w', dest='weight_spec', metavar='WEIGHTING_METHOD', help='the weighting method to apply when searching for a route')
+cli.add_argument('-P', dest='deny_places', type=Place, action='append', metavar='PLACE', help='avoid traveling through this place')
+cli.add_argument('-m', dest='allow_modes', action=ParseModeRestriction, metavar='MODES', help='allow only these modes of travel')
+cli.add_argument('-M', dest='deny_modes', action=ParseModeRestriction, metavar='MODES', help='deny these modes of travel')
+cli.add_argument('-T', dest='deny_teleport', action='store_true', help='deny teleportation')
+def errx(msg):
+ sys.exit(f'ywalk: {msg}')
+def pretty_print_path(path):
+ origin = path[0].origin
+ destination = path[-1].destination
+ time = 0
+ print(f'Start in {origin}')
+ for conn in path:
+ time = time + conn.time
+ print(f' then {conn.mode.pretty} to {conn.destination}', end='')
+ if conn.time:
+ print(f' ({conn.time} {"hour" if conn.time == 1 else "hours"})')
+ else:
+ print()
+ if time:
+ print(f'Arrive in {destination} after {time} hours.')
+def pretty_print_place(place, graph):
+ def pretty_print_connections(conns):
+ for conn in sorted(conns, key=lambda c: c.mode.value):
+ print(conn)
+ print(f'Direct connections from {place}:')
+ pretty_print_connections(graph.get_connections_from(place))
+ print()
+ print(f'Direct connections to {place}:')
+ pretty_print_connections(graph.get_connections_to(place))
+ print()
+ print ('Reachability map:')
+ weights, _ = graph.shortest_paths(place)
+ for destination in sorted(weights.keys(), key=weights.get):
+ if place == destination:
+ continue
+ reachability = "unreachable" if weights[destination] == math.inf else weights[destination]
+ print(f'{destination}: {reachability}')
+def get_xdg_home(xdg_type, fallback):
+ env = f'XDG_{xdg_type}_HOME'
+ if env in os.environ:
+ return os.environ[env]
+ return os.path.expanduser(fallback)
+def apply_predicates(args, graph):
+ if args.allow_modes:
+ graph.add_predicate(lambda c: c.mode in args.allow_modes)
+ if args.deny_modes:
+ graph.add_predicate(lambda c: c.mode not in args.deny_modes)
+ if args.deny_teleport:
+ graph.add_predicate(lambda c: not c.mode.teleport)
+ if args.deny_places:
+ graph.add_predicate(lambda c: c.destination not in args.deny_places)
+def main():
+ args = cli.parse_intermixed_args()
+ config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ config.read(os.path.join(get_xdg_home('CONFIG', '~/.config'), 'ywalk', 'config'))
+ datafile = config.get('misc', 'data', fallback='goty')
+ datapath = os.path.join(get_xdg_home('DATA', '~/.local/share'), 'ywalk', f'{datafile}.tsv')
+ graph = Graph()
+ try:
+ graph.populate(Parser.parse_tsv(datapath))
+ except (FileNotFoundError, Parser.InputError, ValueError) as err:
+ errx(err)
+ recall = config.get('misc', 'recall', fallback=None)
+ if recall:
+ graph.add_recall(Place(recall))
+ for place in args.place:
+ if place not in graph:
+ errx(f'Can\'t find "{place}".')
+ graph.set_weight(args.weight_spec or config.get('misc', 'weighting_method', fallback=None))
+ apply_predicates(args, graph)
+ if not args.place:
+ for place in sorted(graph.get_places(), key=lambda p: p.name):
+ print(place)
+ elif len(args.place) == 1:
+ pretty_print_place(args.place[0], graph)
+ elif len(args.place) > 1:
+ path = graph.find_path(*args.place)
+ if path is None:
+ errx(f'Graph exhausted, no connection between {", ".join(map(str, args.place))}')
+ pretty_print_path(path)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/ywalk/parser.py b/ywalk/parser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40d5f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ywalk/parser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import csv
+from ywalk.types import Connection, Mode, Place
+FIELD_NAMES = ['Origin', 'Destination', 'Mode', 'Time']
+class InputError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message, file, line, context):
+ super().__init__(message)
+ self.message = message
+ self.file = file
+ self.line = line
+ self.context = context
+ def __str__(self):
+ return f'{self.file}:{self.line}: {self.message}\n {self.context}'
+def parse_row(row):
+ for field in FIELD_NAMES:
+ if row[field] is None:
+ raise ValueError(f'Empty field \'{field}\'')
+ # This is an enum lookup, not a creation. The Enum class replaces a custom
+ # __new__ after class creation with one that only does lookups.
+ # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter
+ mode = Mode(row['Mode'])
+ time = int(row['Time'])
+ if time < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Negative travel time')
+ return Connection(Place(row['Origin']), Place(row['Destination']), mode, time)
+def check_fieldnames(names):
+ for name in FIELD_NAMES:
+ if name not in names:
+ raise ValueError(f'Missing field \'{name}\' in {names}')
+def parse_tsv(path):
+ with open(path, encoding='utf-8', newline='') as file:
+ reader = csv.DictReader(file, dialect=csv.excel_tab)
+ check_fieldnames(reader.fieldnames)
+ for line, row in enumerate(reader):
+ try:
+ yield parse_row(row)
+ except ValueError as err:
+ raise InputError(err, path, line + 1, row) from err
diff --git a/ywalk/types.py b/ywalk/types.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33048cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ywalk/types.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from enum import Enum
+class Mode(Enum):
+ ALMSIVI = 'Almsivi Intervention', 'invoke Almsivi Intervention', True, 0.25
+ BOAT = 'Boat', 'take the Boat', False, 0
+ CARAVAN = 'Caravan', 'use the Caravan', False, 0
+ DIVINE = 'Divine Intervention', 'invoke Divine Intervention', True, 0.25
+ FOOT = 'Foot', 'walk', False, 0.75
+ GUIDE = 'Guild Guide', 'take the Guild Guide', True, 0.5
+ PROPYLON = 'Propylon Index', 'travel by Propylon', True, 0.5
+ RECALL = 'Recall', 'recall', True, 0
+ RIVER_STRIDER = 'River Strider', 'take the River Strider', False, 0
+ SILT_STRIDER = 'Silt Strider', 'take the Silt Strider', False, 0
+ def __new__(cls, value, pretty, teleport, weight):
+ obj = object.__new__(cls)
+ obj._value_ = value
+ obj.pretty = pretty
+ obj.weight = weight
+ obj.teleport = teleport
+ return obj
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.value
+class Place:
+ name: str
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.name
+class Connection:
+ origin: Place
+ destination: Place
+ mode: Mode
+ time: int
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ time = 'instantaneous'
+ if self.time > 0:
+ time = f'{self.time} {"hour" if self.time == 1 else "hours"}'
+ return f'{self.origin} -> {self.destination} ({self.mode}, {time})'