diff options
authorWolfgang Müller2021-07-05 20:29:59 +0200
committerWolfgang Müller2021-07-05 20:29:59 +0200
commit3e33e4bcb395f741e388eacebf2e35215cc00c7a (patch)
parent3e43b2aecda5a28bddd97d7eae056ecd894589ed (diff)
Do not set default background color explicitly
Currently we assume that certain highlight groups are ever only shown on the default background, 'base8'. It is possible for these groups to show up on other backgrounds as well (say, for example, in neovim's floating windows). Overriding the colour in these cases is wrong and leads to rather annoying "holes" in the UI. This commit removes the explicit setting of 'base8' whenever it is used for a background, having the group instead inherit whatever background is already set.
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/colors/summit.vim b/colors/summit.vim
index 5580faf..aea9088 100644
--- a/colors/summit.vim
+++ b/colors/summit.vim
@@ -68,18 +68,18 @@ call s:hi ("DiffAdd", s:green_text, s:diff_add, "none")
call s:hi ("DiffChange", s:blue_text, s:diff_change, "none")
call s:hi ("DiffDelete", s:red_text, s:diff_delete, "none")
call s:hi ("DiffText", s:blue_text_dark, s:diff_change_dark, "none")
-call s:hi ("Error", s:red, s:base8, "bold")
+call s:hi ("Error", s:red, "", "bold")
call s:hi ("ErrorMsg", s:base8, s:red_bg, "none")
call s:hi ("FoldColumn", s:base2, s:base4, "bold")
call s:hi ("Folded", s:orange_text, s:orange_bg, "none")
call s:hi ("IncSearch", s:base1, s:lime_bg_tint, "underline")
-call s:hi ("Include", s:base1, s:base8, "none")
+call s:hi ("Include", s:base1, "", "none")
call s:hi ("Italic", "", "", "italic")
call s:hi ("LineNr", s:base0, s:base6, "none")
call s:hi ("MatchParen", s:base8, s:accent, "bold,inverse")
-call s:hi ("MoreMsg", s:base1, s:base8, "bold")
+call s:hi ("MoreMsg", s:base1, "", "bold")
call s:hi ("NonText", s:base3, "", "none")
-call s:hi ("Normal", s:base1, s:base8, "none")
+call s:hi ("Normal", s:base1, "", "none")
call s:hi ("Pmenu", s:base0, s:violet_bg, "none")
call s:hi ("PmenuSbar", s:base0, s:violet_bg, "none")
call s:hi ("PmenuSel", s:base8, s:violet, "bold")
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ call s:hi ("PmenuThumb", s:base8, s:base1, "none")
call s:hi ("Search", s:base1, s:lime_bg, "none")
call s:hi ("SignColumn", s:base1, s:base5, "none")
call s:hi ("Special", s:accent, "", "none")
-call s:hi ("Statement", s:base1, s:base8, "none")
+call s:hi ("Statement", s:base1, "", "none")
call s:hi ("StatusLine", s:base8, s:violet, "bold")
call s:hi ("StatusLineNC", s:base0, s:violet_bg, "none")
call s:hi ("String", s:accent, "", "none")
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ call s:hi ("Todo", s:base8, s:pink, "none")
call s:hi ("Underlined", "", "", "underline")
call s:hi ("VertSplit", s:base2, s:base5, "none")
call s:hi ("Visual", "", s:teal_bg, "none")
-call s:hi ("WarningMsg", s:red, s:base8, "none")
+call s:hi ("WarningMsg", s:red, "", "none")
hi! link Directory Special
hi! link ModeMsg MoreMsg