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authorWynn Wolf Arbor2020-06-05 21:37:18 +0200
committerWynn Wolf Arbor2020-06-05 21:51:11 +0200
commit9de2e215ca473de3441746788b1cc85bde9c87f3 (patch)
Initial import.
4 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
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--- /dev/null
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+# vim-ripgrep - Invoke rg(1) from within vim
+vim-ripgrep is a small plugin that integrates [ripgrep](https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep)
+into vim seamlessly.
+See [doc/ripgrep.txt](../tree/doc/ripgrep.txt).
diff --git a/doc/ripgrep.txt b/doc/ripgrep.txt
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index 0000000..c050953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/ripgrep.txt
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+*ripgrep.txt* Invoke rg(1) from within vim.
+ SYNOPSIS *ripgrep*
+vim-ripgrep is a small plugin that integrates ripgrep into vim seamlessly. It
+provides a single command, |:Rg|, to do this.
+This plugin is only available if |'compatible'| is not set.
+ COMMANDS *ripgrep-commands*
+ *ripgrep-:Rg*
+:Rg [args] Run ripgrep in vim's current directory with the
+ given arguments. When nothing is passed, search for
+ the |word| under the cursor.
+ If |'ignorecase'| or |'smartcase'| is set, |:Rg| will
+ pass the corresponding option to ripgrep.
+ |:Rg| will automatically open the quickfix list if
+ there are any matches.
+ ABOUT *ripgrep-about*
+vim-ripgrep was written by Wynn Wolf Arbor. It was heavily inspired by another
+plugin called vim-ripgrep (https://github.com/jremmen/vim-ripgrep), but was
+written from scratch with simplicity in mind.
+Obtain the latest version at https://git.oriole.systems/vim-ripgrep
+ vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl:
diff --git a/plugin/vim-ripgrep.vim b/plugin/vim-ripgrep.vim
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index 0000000..fc1bd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/vim-ripgrep.vim
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+if exists('g:rg_plugin_loaded') || &compatible
+ finish
+let g:rg_plugin_loaded = 1
+let g:rg_binary = 'rg'
+let g:rg_args = ' --vimgrep'
+let g:rg_format = '%f:%l:%c:%m'
+fun! s:err(msg)
+ echohl ErrorMsg | echo a:msg | echohl None
+fun! s:ArgsOrCword(args)
+ if empty(a:args)
+ return expand('<cword>')
+ else
+ return a:args
+ endif
+fun! s:PerformSearch(args)
+ if empty(a:args)
+ call s:err('No search pattern given and <cword> was empty.')
+ return
+ endif
+ let l:opts = ' '
+ if &ignorecase
+ let l:opts = l:opts . '-i '
+ endif
+ if &smartcase
+ let l:opts = l:opts . '-S '
+ endif
+ silent exe 'grep! ' . l:opts . a:args
+ if len(getqflist())
+ exe 'copen' | redraw!
+ else
+ cclose | redraw!
+ echo 'No match found for ' . a:args
+ endif
+fun! s:WithRgContext(fun, args)
+ let l:prev_grepprg = &grepprg
+ let l:prev_grepformat = &grepformat
+ let &grepprg = g:rg_binary . g:rg_args
+ let &grepformat = g:rg_format
+ call a:fun(a:args)
+ let &grepprg = l:prev_grepprg
+ let &grepformat = l:prev_grepformat
+fun! s:Rg(args)
+ call s:WithRgContext(function('s:PerformSearch'), s:ArgsOrCword(a:args))
+command! -nargs=* -complete=file Rg call s:Rg(<q-args>)