path: root/autoload
diff options
authorJakob Schnitzer2017-03-14 19:57:46 -0300
committerJakob Schnitzer2017-03-20 13:48:58 -0300
commitff250e32b2e74fe3ca6c2e85abf4e8c3eff230cf (patch)
treed607d6bfd804bd238916f7688dbd1becee3aecf6 /autoload
parentc17a7a4c0da18de586a96051a586cc2ad22ad421 (diff)
remove unnecessary option; lint and minor improvements
Beancount only supports '.' as decimal separator so making the decimal separator configurable doesn't serve any purpose and might confuse users. Make the regular expression matching in beancount#align_commodity a bit more precise.
Diffstat (limited to 'autoload')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/autoload/beancount.vim b/autoload/beancount.vim
index 9c5df3d..08a7737 100644
--- a/autoload/beancount.vim
+++ b/autoload/beancount.vim
@@ -8,32 +8,44 @@ endfunction
" Align currency on decimal point.
function! beancount#align_commodity(line1, line2)
- " Saving cursor position to adjust it if necessary.
+ " Save cursor position to adjust it if necessary.
let l:cursor_col = col('.')
let l:cursor_line = line('.')
- " This lets me increment at start of loop, because of continue statements.
+ " Increment at start of loop, because of continue statements.
let l:current_line = a:line1 - 1
while l:current_line < a:line2
let l:current_line += 1
let l:line = getline(l:current_line)
- " This matches an account name followed by a space. There may be
- " some conflicts with non-transaction syntax that I don't know about.
- " It won't match a comment or any non-indented line.
- let l:end_acc = matchend(l:line, '^\v(([\-/[:digit:]]+\s+(balance|price))|\s+[!&#?%PSTCURM])?\s+\S+[^:] ')
- if l:end_acc < 0 | continue | endif
- " Where does commodity amount begin?
- let l:end_space = matchend(l:line, '^ *', l:end_acc)
- " Now look for a minus sign and a number, and align on the next column.
- let l:comma = g:beancount_decimal_separator ==# ',' ? '.' : ','
- let l:separator = matchend(l:line, '^\v(-)?[' . l:comma . '[:digit:]]+', l:end_space) + 1
+ " This matches an account name followed by a space in one of the two
+ " following cases:
+ " - A posting line, i.e., the line starts with indentation followed
+ " by an optional flag and the account.
+ " - A balance directive, i.e., the line starts with a date followed
+ " by the 'balance' keyword and the account.
+ " - A price directive, i.e., the line starts with a date followed by
+ " the 'price' keyword and a currency.
+ let l:end_account = matchend(l:line, '^\v' .
+ \ '[\-/[:digit:]]+\s+balance\s+([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\-]+)(:[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*)+ ' .
+ \ '|[\-/[:digit:]]+\s+price\s+\S+ ' .
+ \ '|\s+([!&#?%PSTCURM]\s+)?([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\-]+)(:[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*)+ '
+ \ )
+ if l:end_account < 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ " Where does the number begin?
+ let l:begin_number = matchend(l:line, '^ *', l:end_account)
+ " Look for a minus sign and a number (possibly containing commas) and
+ " align on the next column.
+ let l:separator = matchend(l:line, '^\v(-)?[,[:digit:]]+', l:begin_number) + 1
if l:separator < 0 | continue | endif
- let l:has_spaces = l:end_space - l:end_acc
+ let l:has_spaces = l:begin_number - l:end_account
let l:need_spaces = g:beancount_separator_col - l:separator + l:has_spaces
if l:need_spaces < 0 | continue | endif
- call setline(l:current_line, l:line[0 : l:end_acc - 1] . repeat(' ', l:need_spaces) . l:line[ l:end_space : -1])
- if l:current_line == l:cursor_line && l:cursor_col >= l:end_acc
+ call setline(l:current_line, l:line[0 : l:end_account - 1] . repeat(' ', l:need_spaces) . l:line[ l:begin_number : -1])
+ if l:current_line == l:cursor_line && l:cursor_col >= l:end_account
" Adjust cursor position for continuity.
call cursor(0, l:cursor_col + l:need_spaces - l:has_spaces)