path: root/doc/beancount.txt
blob: 2c7a20ede0ca423ab3da9c61f9304395cd5085b8 (plain) (tree)

























beancount.txt  Filetype plugin for beancount files

Author:   Nathan Grigg <http://nathangrigg.net>
Repo:     https://github.com/nathangrigg/vim-beancount
License:  Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|).

INTRODUCTION                                          *beancount*

Filetype plugin and functions for working with beancount files.


        Filetype Detection...|beancount-ftdetect|

COMMANDS                                              *beancount-commands*

:AlignCommodity     Adds spaces between an account and commodity so that the
                    decimal points of the commodities all occur in the column
                    given by |g:beancount_separator_col|.  If an amount has no
                    decimal point, the imaginary decimal point to the right
                    of the least significant digit will align.

                    The command acts on a range, with the default being the
                    current line. If the cursor happens to be inside that
                    range and to the right of the account name, the cursor
                    will be pushed to the right the appropriate amount, so
                    that it remains on the same character.

                    The script assumes the use of spaces for alignment. It
                    does not understand tabs.

                    You can use the following insert-mode remap to
                    automatically align commodities every time you type a
                    decimal point: >

                        inoremap . .<C-\><C-O>:AlignCommodity<CR>
                    You may also want to set other mappings for this. For
                    example, I use >

                        nnoremap <buffer> <leader>= :AlignCommodity<CR>
                        vnoremap <buffer> <leader>= :AlignCommodity<CR>

:GetContext         Uses bean-doctor context to display the context of the
                    current line.

                    You can use the following normal mode remap to open the
                    context of the line you're currently on: >

                        nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c :GetContext<CR>

OPTIONS                                              *beancount-options*

  See |beancount-completion|. Can be either 'default' or 'chunks'.

  Default value: 'default'

  If non-zero, accounts higher down the hierarchy will be listed first as

  Default value: 0

  The column that the decimal separator is aligned to.

  Default value: 50

  Set the root Beancount file. This is used to gather values for the
  completion. If not set, the current file will be used.

  Default value: not set

COMPLETION                                           *beancount-completion*

The plugin sets 'omnifunc' to provide omni completion for account names, tags,
links, and payees. Omni completion is accessible with |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|.

Completion works for values defined |b:beancount_root| and included files.

Account Completion~

Completion is always case sensitive and exact. If the base string includes
colons, each colon-separated piece can separately match a piece of the

For example, `Ex:Other` would complete to `Expenses:Donations:Other` or

There is another mode of completion where each colon-separated piece
has to match at the beginning of that level of the account hierarchy, e.g.
`Ex:Oth` would match `Expenses:Other` but not `Expenses:Other:Something`
nor one of the two examples given above.
`Ex:Oth:` would, however, list all direct sub-accounts of `Expenses:Other`.
To enable this mode use >

        let g:beancount_account_completion = 'chunks'
Optionally, the list of candidates can be sorted by the number of levels
in the account hierarchy (e.g. return 'Expenses:Other' before 'Expenses').
This behavior can be enabled using >

        let g:beancount_detailed_first = 1

The plugin ships with a source for the deoplete.nvim, which provides
asynchronous autocompletion. This should just work if deoplete is enabled. The
options for the account completion do not work for the deoplete source.

SYNTAX                                              *beancount-syntax*

We use the following syntax highlighting groups:

    beanKeyword:  Keywords such as open, close, option.
    beanOptionTitle: The first argument to the option keyword.
    beanDate: A date in a beancount directive.
    beanString: Strings, such as account descriptions.
    beanComment: Comments.
    beanAccount: Account names.
    beanAmount: Monetary amounts.
    beanCurrency: Currency codes.
    beanCost: Cost, e.g. {100.00 USD}
    beanPrice: Price, e.g. @ 100.00 USD

COMPILER                                            *beancount-compiler*

The plugin defines and sets the compiler to "beancount". Simply use the
command ":make" to run `bean-check` on the current file and load the errors
into the quickfix window.

FILETYPE DETECTION                                  *beancount-ftdetect*

The plugin considers files of the form `*.bean` and `*.beancount` to be
beancount files.
