path: root/docs/usage/configuration.rst
blob: e0f3669d70026e66440894875e17383232676526 (plain) (tree)


**hircine** looks for an optional configuration file named ``hircine.ini`` in
its regular directory structure. Refer to Python's :mod:`configparser` module
for details on its format.


.. _cfg-scale:


This section is split into two subsections, ``full`` and ``thumb``. The former
controls scaling for images displayed in the reader and the latter controls
scaling for thumbnails. See :doc:`/advanced/image-processing`.

The ``width`` and ``height`` settings in each subsection control the maximum
pixel dimensions for the processed image. They are given as integers and must
be greater than zero. The defaults are as follows:

.. code-block:: ini

   width = 4200
   height = 2000

   width = 1680
   height = 800

.. important::

   Changes to these settings will only apply to newly processed image files. If
   you want to reprocess your entire collection, run:

   .. code-block:: console

       $ hircine import -r