+++ date = 2021-06-17T20:37:37+02:00 title = "(Un)Blinking cursors" [taxonomies] tags = ["TIL"] +++ Whilst reviewing and discussing [this patch](https://git.oriole.systems/weltschmerz/commit/?id=0774a46257bdc6daa1c6a1c3485d75bd07ef849c) for weltschmerz I found out that there actually exists a global property [`gtk-cursor-blink`](https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkSettings.html#GtkSettings--gtk-cursor-blink) that is honoured by all applications that build on GTK. I don't think I've ever seen this exposed in a settings dialog. Perhaps in the accessibility settings, I rarely venture there. In any case, you can put properties like these straight into `~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini` and GTK apps will pick them up. For QT apps it seems you can set [`cursorFlashTime`](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qapplication.html#cursorFlashTime-prop) to a negative value in the aptly named `~/.config/Trolltech.conf` but I could not get this to work with the only QT app that I use, quassel. Not that I would want to, I do prefer a blinking cursor.