+++ date = 2021-06-13T20:22:51+02:00 title = "Patch workflows and git branch -d" [taxonomies] tags = ["git", "TIL"] +++ The notion of a "merged" branch is highly dependent on the [workflow](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitworkflows) used for a project. I was wanting to clean up some topic branches in my copy of git.git today, but `git branch -d` refused to delete them, pointing out that they were not yet merged. I knew for a fact that they were, which made me look up how `git branch -d` actually determines that. The manual is not entirely clear, but a [comment](https://github.com/git/git/blob/211eca0895794362184da2be2a2d812d070719d3/builtin/branch.c#L116-L121) in the code pointed out that git constructs the merge base of the branch and its upstream (or `HEAD` if there is none) and checks whether the branch is reachable from that merge base. In a patch workflow, this will generally not be true. A lot of things may happen to your patches before inclusion, and with git.git they will get at least one other sign-off. They'll be recorded in a merge commit, but it will not have your original branch as one of its parents. Therefore, neither `git branch -d` nor `git branch --merged` will report your branch as merged. Both of these tools are built for the merge workflow instead. To see if your work was merged in patch-based workflows, use [`git-cherry(1)`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-cherry). Then you can safely force deletion of the branch with `git branch -D`.