" These two variables customize the behavior of the AlignCommodity command. if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal foldmethod< comments< commentstring<" setl foldmethod=marker setl comments=b:; setl commentstring=;%s if !exists("g:beancount_separator_col") let g:beancount_separator_col = 50 endif if !exists("g:beancount_decimal_separator") let g:beancount_decimal_separator = "." endif command! -range AlignCommodity :call beancount#align_commodity(, ) " Align commodity to proper column inoremap . .:AlignCommodity nnoremap = :AlignCommodity vnoremap = :AlignCommodity " Insert incoming transactions at the bottom function! s:InsertIncoming() let incoming = expand('%:h') . '/incoming.bean' try execute '$read' incoming call system('mv ' . incoming . ' ' . incoming . '~') catch /:E484/ echom "Not found: incoming.bean" endtry endfunction command! -buffer Incoming call InsertIncoming()