if exists('b:did_ftplugin') finish endif let b:did_ftplugin = 1 let b:undo_ftplugin = 'setlocal foldmethod< comments< commentstring<' setl foldmethod=syntax setl comments=b:; setl commentstring=;%s compiler beancount " These two variables customize the behavior of the AlignCommodity command. if !exists('g:beancount_separator_col') let g:beancount_separator_col = 50 endif if !exists('g:beancount_decimal_separator') let g:beancount_decimal_separator = '.' endif if !exists('g:beancount_account_completion') let g:beancount_account_completion = 'default' endif if !exists('g:beancount_detailed_first') let g:beancount_detailed_first = 0 endif command! -buffer -range AlignCommodity \ :call beancount#align_commodity(, ) command! -buffer -range GetContext \ :call beancount#get_context() " Omnifunc for account completion. setl omnifunc=beancount#complete