beancount.txt Filetype plugin for beancount files Author: Nathan Grigg Repo: License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|). INTRODUCTION *beancount* Filetype plugin and functions for working with beancount files. Contents: Commands.............|beancount-commands| Options...............|beancount-options| Completion.........|beancount-completion| Syntax.................|beancount-syntax| Compiler.............|beancount-compiler| Filetype Detection...|beancount-ftdetect| COMMANDS *beancount-commands* *beancount-:GetContext* :GetContext Uses bean-doctor context to display the context of the current line. You can use the following normal mode remap to open the context of the line you're currently on: > nnoremap c :GetContext < OPTIONS *beancount-options* *g:beancount_account_completion* See |beancount-completion|. Can be either 'default' or 'chunks'. Default value: 'default' *g:beancount_detailed_first* If non-zero, accounts higher down the hierarchy will be listed first as completions. Default value: 0 *b:beancount_root* Set the root Beancount file. This is used to gather values for the completion. If not set, the current file will be used. Default value: not set FORMATTING *beancount-formatting* The plugin sets |'formatprg'| to 'bean-format -c61' to provide a formatter for beancount files. See also |gq|. COMPLETION *beancount-completion* The plugin sets 'omnifunc' to provide omni completion for account names, tags, links, and payees. Omni completion is accessible with |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|. Completion works for values defined |b:beancount_root| and included files. Account Completion~ *beancount-complete-accounts* Completion is always case sensitive and exact. If the base string includes colons, each colon-separated piece can separately match a piece of the account. For example, `Ex:Other` would complete to `Expenses:Donations:Other` or `Liabilities:AmericanExpress:InterestOther`. There is another mode of completion where each colon-separated piece has to match at the beginning of that level of the account hierarchy, e.g. `Ex:Oth` would match `Expenses:Other` but not `Expenses:Other:Something` nor one of the two examples given above. `Ex:Oth:` would, however, list all direct sub-accounts of `Expenses:Other`. To enable this mode use > let g:beancount_account_completion = 'chunks' < Optionally, the list of candidates can be sorted by the number of levels in the account hierarchy (e.g. return 'Expenses:Other' before 'Expenses'). This behavior can be enabled using > let g:beancount_detailed_first = 1 < SYNTAX *beancount-syntax* We use the following syntax highlighting groups: beanKeyword: Keywords such as open, close, option. beanOptionTitle: The first argument to the option keyword. beanDate: A date in a beancount directive. beanString: Strings, such as account descriptions. beanComment: Comments. beanAccount: Account names. beanAmount: Monetary amounts. beanCurrency: Currency codes. beanCost: Cost, e.g. {100.00 USD} beanPrice: Price, e.g. @ 100.00 USD COMPILER *beancount-compiler* The plugin defines and sets the compiler to "beancount". Simply use the command ":make" to run `bean-check` on the current file and load the errors into the quickfix window. FILETYPE DETECTION *beancount-ftdetect* The plugin considers files of the form `*.bean` and `*.beancount` to be beancount files. vim:tw=78:et:ft=help:norl: