let s:using_python3 = has('python3') " Equivalent to python's startswith " Matches based on user's ignorecase preference function! s:startswith(string, prefix) abort return strpart(a:string, 0, strlen(a:prefix)) == a:prefix endfunction " Align currency on decimal point. function! beancount#align_commodity(line1, line2) abort " Save cursor position to adjust it if necessary. let l:cursor_col = col('.') let l:cursor_line = line('.') " Increment at start of loop, because of continue statements. let l:current_line = a:line1 - 1 while l:current_line < a:line2 let l:current_line += 1 let l:line = getline(l:current_line) " This matches an account name followed by a space in one of the two " following cases: " - A posting line, i.e., the line starts with indentation followed " by an optional flag and the account. " - A balance directive, i.e., the line starts with a date followed " by the 'balance' keyword and the account. " - A price directive, i.e., the line starts with a date followed by " the 'price' keyword and a currency. let l:end_account = matchend(l:line, '^\v' . \ '[\-/[:digit:]]+\s+balance\s+([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\-]+)(:[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*)+ ' . \ '|[\-/[:digit:]]+\s+price\s+\S+ ' . \ '|\s+([!&#?%PSTCURM]\s+)?([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\-]+)(:[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\-]*)+ ' \ ) if l:end_account < 0 continue endif " Where does the number begin? let l:begin_number = matchend(l:line, '^ *', l:end_account) " Look for a minus sign and a number (possibly containing commas) and " align on the next column. let l:separator = matchend(l:line, '^\v(-)?[,[:digit:]]+', l:begin_number) + 1 if l:separator < 0 | continue | endif let l:has_spaces = l:begin_number - l:end_account let l:need_spaces = g:beancount_separator_col - l:separator + l:has_spaces if l:need_spaces < 0 | continue | endif call setline(l:current_line, l:line[0 : l:end_account - 1] . repeat(' ', l:need_spaces) . l:line[ l:begin_number : -1]) if l:current_line == l:cursor_line && l:cursor_col >= l:end_account " Adjust cursor position for continuity. call cursor(0, l:cursor_col + l:need_spaces - l:has_spaces) endif endwhile endfunction function! s:count_expression(text, expression) abort return len(split(a:text, a:expression, 1)) - 1 endfunction function! s:sort_accounts_by_depth(name1, name2) abort let l:depth1 = s:count_expression(a:name1, ':') let l:depth2 = s:count_expression(a:name2, ':') return l:depth1 == l:depth2 ? 0 : l:depth1 > l:depth2 ? 1 : -1 endfunction let s:directives = ['open', 'close', 'commodity', 'txn', 'balance', 'pad', 'note', 'document', 'price', 'event', 'query', 'custom'] " ------------------------------ " Completion functions " ------------------------------ function! beancount#complete(findstart, base) abort if a:findstart let l:col = searchpos('\s', 'bn', line('.'))[1] if l:col == 0 return -1 else return l:col endif endif let l:partial_line = strpart(getline('.'), 0, getpos('.')[2]-1) " Match directive types if l:partial_line =~# '^\d\d\d\d\(-\|/\)\d\d\1\d\d $' return beancount#complete_basic(s:directives, a:base, '') endif " If we are using python3, now is a good time to load everything call beancount#load_everything() " Split out the first character (for cases where we don't want to match the " leading character: ", #, etc) let l:first = strpart(a:base, 0, 1) let l:rest = strpart(a:base, 1) if l:partial_line =~# '^\d\d\d\d\(-\|/\)\d\d\1\d\d event $' && l:first ==# '"' return beancount#complete_basic(b:beancount_events, l:rest, '"') endif let l:two_tokens = searchpos('\S\+\s', 'bn', line('.'))[1] let l:prev_token = strpart(getline('.'), l:two_tokens, getpos('.')[2] - l:two_tokens) " Match curriences if previous token is number if l:prev_token =~# '^\d\+\([\.,]\d\+\)*' call beancount#load_currencies() return beancount#complete_basic(b:beancount_currencies, a:base, '') endif if l:first ==# '#' call beancount#load_tags() return beancount#complete_basic(b:beancount_tags, l:rest, '#') elseif l:first ==# '^' call beancount#load_links() return beancount#complete_basic(b:beancount_links, l:rest, '^') elseif l:first ==# '"' call beancount#load_payees() return beancount#complete_basic(b:beancount_payees, l:rest, '"') else call beancount#load_accounts() return beancount#complete_account(a:base) endif endfunction function! beancount#get_root() abort if exists('b:beancount_root') return b:beancount_root endif return expand('%') endfunction function! beancount#load_everything() abort if s:using_python3 && !exists('b:beancount_loaded') let l:root = beancount#get_root() python3 << EOF import vim from beancount import loader from beancount.core import data accounts = set() currencies = set() events = set() links = set() payees = set() tags = set() entries, errors, options_map = loader.load_file(vim.eval('l:root')) for index, entry in enumerate(entries): if isinstance(entry, data.Open): accounts.add(entry.account) if entry.currencies: currencies.update(entry.currencies) elif isinstance(entry, data.Commodity): currencies.add(entry.currency) elif isinstance(entry, data.Event): events.add(entry.type) elif isinstance(entry, data.Transaction): if entry.tags: tags.update(entry.tags) if entry.links: links.update(entry.links) if entry.payee: payees.add(entry.payee) vim.command('let b:beancount_accounts = [{}]'.format(','.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(accounts)))) vim.command('let b:beancount_currencies = [{}]'.format(','.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(currencies)))) vim.command('let b:beancount_events = [{}]'.format(','.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(events)))) vim.command('let b:beancount_links = [{}]'.format(','.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(links)))) vim.command('let b:beancount_payees = [{}]'.format(','.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(payees)))) vim.command('let b:beancount_tags = [{}]'.format(','.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(tags)))) vim.command('let b:beancount_loaded = v:true'.format(','.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(tags)))) EOF endif endfunction function! beancount#load_accounts() abort if !s:using_python3 && !exists('b:beancount_accounts') let l:root = beancount#get_root() let b:beancount_accounts = beancount#query_single(l:root, 'select distinct account;') endif endfunction function! beancount#load_tags() abort if !s:using_python3 && !exists('b:beancount_tags') let l:root = beancount#get_root() let b:beancount_tags = beancount#query_single(l:root, 'select distinct tags;') endif endfunction function! beancount#load_links() abort if !s:using_python3 && !exists('b:beancount_links') let l:root = beancount#get_root() let b:beancount_links = beancount#query_single(l:root, 'select distinct links;') endif endfunction function! beancount#load_currencies() abort if !s:using_python3 && !exists('b:beancount_currencies') let l:root = beancount#get_root() let b:beancount_currencies = beancount#query_single(l:root, 'select distinct currency;') endif endfunction function! beancount#load_payees() abort if !s:using_python3 && !exists('b:beancount_payees') let l:root = beancount#get_root() let b:beancount_payees = beancount#query_single(l:root, 'select distinct payee;') endif endfunction " General completion function function! beancount#complete_basic(input, base, prefix) abort let l:matches = filter(copy(a:input), 's:startswith(v:val, a:base)') return map(l:matches, 'a:prefix . v:val') endfunction " Complete account name. function! beancount#complete_account(base) abort if g:beancount_account_completion ==? 'chunks' let l:pattern = '^\V' . substitute(a:base, ':', '\\[^:]\\*:', 'g') . '\[^:]\*' else let l:pattern = '^\V\.\*' . substitute(a:base, ':', '\\.\\*:\\.\\*', 'g') . '\.\*' endif let l:matches = [] let l:index = -1 while 1 let l:index = match(b:beancount_accounts, l:pattern, l:index + 1) if l:index == -1 | break | endif call add(l:matches, matchstr(b:beancount_accounts[l:index], l:pattern)) endwhile if g:beancount_detailed_first let l:matches = reverse(sort(l:matches, 's:sort_accounts_by_depth')) endif return l:matches endfunction function! beancount#query_single(root_file, query) abort python << EOF import vim import subprocess import os # We intentionally want to ignore stderr so it doesn't mess up our query processing output = subprocess.check_output(['bean-query', vim.eval('a:root_file'), vim.eval('a:query')], stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')).split('\n') output = output[2:] result_list = [y for y in (x.strip() for x in output) if y] vim.command('return [{}]'.format(','.join(repr(x) for x in sorted(result_list)))) EOF endfunction " Call bean-doctor on the current line and dump output into a scratch buffer function! beancount#get_context() abort let l:context = system('bean-doctor context ' . expand('%') . ' ' . line('.')) botright new setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=hide noswapfile call append(0, split(l:context, '\v\n')) normal! gg endfunction