" Align currency on decimal point. function! beancount#align_commodity(line1, line2) " Saving cursor position to adjust it if necessary. let cursor_col = col('.') let cursor_line = line('.') " This matches the line up to the first dot (or other separator), " excluding comments. " Note very nomagic so that the separator is not interpreted as regex. let separator_regex = '^\V\[^;]\{-}' . g:beancount_decimal_separator " This lets me increment at start of loop, because of continue statements. let i = a:line1 - 1 while i < a:line2 let i += 1 let s = getline(i) " This matches an account name followed by a space. There may be " some conflicts with non-transaction syntax that I don't know about. " It won't match a comment or any non-indented line. let end_acc = matchend(s, '^\v([-\d]+\s+(balance|price))? +\S+ ') if end_acc < 0 | continue | endif " Where does commodity amount begin? let end_space = matchend(s, '^ *', end_acc) " Find the first decimal point, not counting comments. let separator = matchend(s, separator_regex, end_space) if separator < 0 " If there is no separator, pretend there's one after the last digit. let separator = matchend(s, '^\v[^;]*\d+') + 1 endif if separator < 0 | continue | endif let has_spaces = end_space - end_acc let need_spaces = g:beancount_separator_col - separator + has_spaces if need_spaces < 0 | continue | endif call setline(i, s[0 : end_acc - 1] . repeat(" ", need_spaces) . s[ end_space : -1]) if i == cursor_line && cursor_col >= end_acc " Adjust cursor position for continuity. call cursor(0, cursor_col + need_spaces - has_spaces) endif endwhile endfunction