title: New features in weltschmerz 1.5.0 date: 2021-11-27 author: Wolfgang Müller Today, a bit more than 4 months since the last update for [weltschmerz](weltschmerz), I'm happy to announce 1.5.0, bringing new and exciting features to the terminal emulator. Just like with [1.4.0](weltschmerz-1.4.0) most of them were designed and implemented by [nortti](https://ahti.space/%7Enortti/). Thanks a lot! Head over to the [project page](weltschmerz) to download the new version right away, or read on to take a look at noteworthy changes. ## Open with ...
The 'Open
	with ...' feature in weltschmerz 1.5.0
The 'Open with ...' feature in weltschmerz 1.5.0
The main new feature in weltschmerz 1.5.0, added in [a9706ec](https://git.oriole.systems/weltschmerz/commit/?id=a9706ec27edc0aef03f72daba28647aca1c42070), is the ability to add custom 'Open with ...' handlers for the URI context menu. These are added to the new `open-with` section in the configuration file. For example, the handlers in the picture above are defined like so: ``` [open-with] mpv = mpv --force-window=immediate --really-quiet % ff-priv = firefox-bin --private-window % ``` Any occurrence of the `%` character will be replaced by the URI before weltschmerz launches the given program. ## Changes to OSC 7 handling To increase compatibility with systems and setups that do not understand or emit OSC 7 escapes, weltschmerz now falls back to obtaining its current directory from the `procfs` subsystem. Additionally, a new option 'prefer-osc7' has been introduced that controls whether OSC 7 should be preferred at all. See [71388f9](https://git.oriole.systems/weltschmerz/commit/?id=71388f94c694a36b0ac360b34f09d7c16a51f803) and [6f03994](https://git.oriole.systems/weltschmerz/commit/?id=6f0399481b215817960b5cf36ee03a658a2d9b89). ## Small bugfixes and more internationalization When matching URLs, weltschmerz now ignores punctuation at the end. This should make it easier to open up URLs in terminal-bound chat applications. Finally, version 1.5.0 contains a full Finnish translation of the manual. That's it for this update. See [`NEWS`](https://git.oriole.systems/weltschmerz/tree/NEWS) for the full set of changes, and [`1.4.1..1.5.0`](https://git.oriole.systems/weltschmerz/log/?qt=range&q=1.4.1..1.5.0) for all relevant commits.