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1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/service-quasselcore/patches/net-irc/quassel/quassel-bind-host.patch b/service-quasselcore/patches/net-irc/quassel/quassel-bind-host.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bf8726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/service-quasselcore/patches/net-irc/quassel/quassel-bind-host.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+diff --git a/src/common/main.cpp b/src/common/main.cpp
+index 0ee13ecd..2df950a0 100644
+--- a/src/common/main.cpp
++++ b/src/common/main.cpp
+@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ #ifndef BUILD_QTUI
+ // put core-only arguments here
+ cliParser->addOption("listen", 0, "The address(es) quasselcore will listen on", "<address>[,<address>[,...]]", "::,");
++ cliParser->addOption("bind-host", 0, "The address quasselcore will make outgoing connections from.", "address", "");
+ cliParser->addOption("port", 'p', "The port quasselcore will listen at", "port", "4242");
+ cliParser->addSwitch("norestore", 'n', "Don't restore last core's state");
+ cliParser->addSwitch("config-from-environment", 0, "Load configuration from environment variables");
+diff --git a/src/core/corenetwork.cpp b/src/core/corenetwork.cpp
+index fa8ae9bf..af335e1f 100644
+--- a/src/core/corenetwork.cpp
++++ b/src/core/corenetwork.cpp
+@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
+ #include <QDebug>
+ #include <QHostInfo>
++#include <QHostAddress>
+ #include "core.h"
+ #include "coreidentity.h"
+@@ -244,6 +245,76 @@ void CoreNetwork::connectToIrc(bool reconnecting)
+ displayStatusMsg(tr("Connecting to %1:%2...").arg(;
+ displayMsg(Message::Server, BufferInfo::StatusBuffer, "", tr("Connecting to %1:%2...").arg(;
++ QHostInfo targetinfo;
++ // Qt caches DNS entries for a minute, resulting in round-robin (e.g. for not working if several users
++ // connect at a similar time. QHostInfo::fromName(), however, always performs a fresh lookup, overwriting the cache entry.
++ if (! server.useProxy) {
++ //Avoid hostname lookups when a proxy is specified. The lookups won't use the proxy and may therefore leak the DNS
++ //hostname of the server. Qt's DNS cache also isn't used by the proxy so we don't need to refresh the entry.
++ //TODO: don't do this twice if bind-host is set
++ targetinfo = QHostInfo::fromName(;
++ } else if (Quassel::isOptionSet("bind-host")) {
++ qWarning() << tr("bind-host not supported if proxy is set");
++ }
++ if (!server.useProxy && Quassel::isOptionSet("bind-host")) {
++ QHostAddress hostaddr = QHostAddress();
++ QString bindaddr = Quassel::optionValue("bind-host");
++ QHostInfo bindinfo = QHostInfo::fromName(bindaddr);
++ if (bindinfo.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) {
++ qWarning() << qPrintable(tr("Could not look up bind host \"%1\": %2").arg(bindaddr).arg(bindinfo.errorString()));
++ } else if (targetinfo.error() != QHostInfo::NoError) {
++ qWarning() << qPrintable(tr("Could not look up server host %1").arg(targetinfo.errorString()));
++ } else {
++ QHostAddress baddr4 = QHostAddress();
++ QHostAddress baddr6 = QHostAddress();
++ for (int i = 0; i < bindinfo.addresses().size(); i++) {
++ if (!baddr4.isNull() && !baddr6.isNull()) {
++ break;
++ }
++ if (baddr4.isNull() && bindinfo.addresses()[i].protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
++ baddr4 = bindinfo.addresses()[i];
++ }
++ if (baddr6.isNull() && bindinfo.addresses()[i].protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) {
++ baddr6 = bindinfo.addresses()[i];
++ }
++ }
++ QHostAddress taddr4 = QHostAddress();
++ QHostAddress taddr6 = QHostAddress();
++ for (int i = 0; i < targetinfo.addresses().size(); i++) {
++ if (!taddr4.isNull() && !taddr6.isNull()) {
++ break;
++ }
++ if (taddr4.isNull() && targetinfo.addresses()[i].protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv4Protocol) {
++ taddr4 = targetinfo.addresses()[i];
++ }
++ if (taddr6.isNull() && targetinfo.addresses()[i].protocol() == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) {
++ taddr6 = targetinfo.addresses()[i];
++ }
++ }
++ QHostAddress bind = QHostAddress();
++ if (!baddr6.isNull() && !taddr6.isNull()) {
++ bind = baddr6;
++ } else if (!baddr4.isNull() && !taddr4.isNull()) {
++ bind = baddr4;
++ } else {
++ qWarning() << tr("Mismatched bind-host and server family.");
++ }
++ if (!bind.isNull()) {
++ qWarning() << qPrintable(tr("Binding to %1").arg(bind.toString()));
++ if (!socket.bind(bind)) {
++ qWarning() << qPrintable(tr("Could not bind to %1").arg(bind.toString()));
++ }
++ }
++ }
++ }
+ if (server.useProxy) {
+ QNetworkProxy proxy((QNetworkProxy::ProxyType)server.proxyType, server.proxyHost, server.proxyPort, server.proxyUser, server.proxyPass);
+ socket.setProxy(proxy);
+@@ -256,14 +327,6 @@ void CoreNetwork::connectToIrc(bool reconnecting)
+ // Reset tracking for valid timestamps in PONG replies
+ setPongTimestampValid(false);
+- // Qt caches DNS entries for a minute, resulting in round-robin (e.g. for not working if several users
+- // connect at a similar time. QHostInfo::fromName(), however, always performs a fresh lookup, overwriting the cache entry.
+- if (! server.useProxy) {
+- //Avoid hostname lookups when a proxy is specified. The lookups won't use the proxy and may therefore leak the DNS
+- //hostname of the server. Qt's DNS cache also isn't used by the proxy so we don't need to refresh the entry.
+- QHostInfo::fromName(;
+- }
+ #ifdef HAVE_SSL
+ if (server.useSsl) {
+ CoreIdentity *identity = identityPtr();