Namespaces & Tags ================= As :ref:`mentioned earlier <overview-tags>`, the use of namespaces is required when tagging comics. The user must also choose which namespaces a tag is applicable to. That means that in order for the :term:`qualified tag` ``female:love interest`` to appear as a valid selection, the following must be true: 1. The namespace ``female`` must exist. 2. The tag ``love interest`` must exist. 3. The tag ``love interest`` must specify ``female`` as a valid namespace. .. note:: Qualified tags that are subsequently rendered invalid will **not** automatically be removed from comics. Whilst the qualified tag can no longer be selected in the editing or filtering interface, it can still be removed from the comic manually. Namespace sorting ----------------- Namespaces may be configured with a "sort name". This name will be used when sorting lists of namespaces or qualified tags. If no such name is given, the namespace name is used for sorting instead. Tag descriptions ---------------- Tags may be annotated with a custom description that further explains how the tag should be used. This description will be displayed as a tooltip when hovering over a qualified tag. Qualified tag display --------------------- When selecting from a list, qualified tags are displayed by combining the namespace and tag with a colon, like ``female:love interest``. In all other contexts, qualified tags are rendered as small pills that contain the tag name only. A small number of namespaces have special handling, however: *female*, *male*, *trans*, *mixed*, and *location*. These are displayed with a specific colour and icon.