Scrapers ======== A scraper extends the abstract :class:`~hircine.scraper.Scraper` class and implements its :meth:`~hircine.scraper.Scraper.scrape` method. The latter is a generator function yielding :ref:`scraped-data`. .. autoclass:: hircine.scraper.Scraper :members: :special-members: __init__ Exceptions ---------- A scraper may raise two kinds of exceptions: .. autoexception:: hircine.scraper.ScrapeWarning .. autoexception:: hircine.scraper.ScrapeError Utility functions ----------------- .. automodule:: hircine.scraper.utils :members: Registering a scraper --------------------- To register your class as a scraper, place it into the ``hircine.scraper`` :ref:`entry point group `. For example, put the following in a ``pyproject.toml`` file: .. code-block:: toml [project.entry-points.'hircine.scraper'] my_scraper = 'myscraper.MyScraper' Example ------- .. literalinclude:: /_examples/ :language: python The scraper above will scrape a JSON file with the following structure: .. literalinclude:: /_examples/example_scraper.json :language: json