Intro ===== **hircine** [#f1]_ is a web-based comic organizer written in `Python `_ and `SvelteKit `_. .. image:: /_images/comics.jpg :align: center :alt: An overview of comics It imports image files from *ZIP* archives, supports a wide range of metadata including custom tags and namespaces, comes with a powerful filtering system, and keeps its own object store of processed and deduplicated image files for easy and fast access via the browser. This is done without ever modifying any source archives so you can keep your collection in pristine condition. **hircine** contains a simple reader interface that supports per-comic page layouts and includes an extensible scraper framework that allows easy importing of metadata from local files or online sources. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 overview setup usage/index advanced/index plugins/index glossary changelog about git repository | .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#f1] Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition: (ˈhɜːsaɪn) [ad. L. hircīnus (hirquīnus) of a goat; having a goatish smell.]