path: root/frontend/src/lib/reader/PageView.svelte
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/reader/PageView.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/reader/PageView.svelte
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc4d10e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/frontend/src/lib/reader/PageView.svelte
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+<script lang="ts">
+ import { Direction, Layout, type PageFragment } from '$gql/graphql';
+ import { getReaderContext, partition, type Chunk } from '$lib/Reader';
+ import { binds } from '$lib/Shortcuts';
+ import ReaderPage from './ReaderPage.svelte';
+ const reader = getReaderContext();
+ export let direction: Direction;
+ export let layout: Layout;
+ let chunks: Chunk[] = [];
+ let lookup: number[] = [];
+ let main: PageFragment;
+ let secondary: PageFragment | undefined;
+ function gotoChunk(to: number) {
+ if (to < 0 || to >= chunks.length) return;
+ $ = chunks[to].index;
+ }
+ const next = () => gotoChunk(lookup[$] + 1);
+ const prev = () => gotoChunk(lookup[$] - 1);
+ const clickLeft = () => (direction === Direction.LeftToRight ? prev() : next());
+ const clickRight = () => (direction === Direction.RightToLeft ? prev() : next());
+ function clickMain(event: MouseEvent & { currentTarget: EventTarget | null }) {
+ if (event.currentTarget instanceof Element) {
+ const rect = event.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (event.clientX - rect.left < rect.width / 2) {
+ clickLeft();
+ } else {
+ clickRight();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $: [chunks, lookup] = partition($reader.pages, layout);
+ $: layout, ({ main, secondary } = chunks[lookup[$]]);
+ use:binds={[
+ ['ArrowLeft', clickLeft],
+ ['ArrowRight', clickRight],
+ ['ArrowUp', prev],
+ ['ArrowDown', next],
+ ['PageUp', prev],
+ ['PageDown', next],
+ [' ', next],
+ ['Backspace', prev]
+ ]}
+{#if !secondary}
+ <ReaderPage page={main} on:click={clickMain} --justify="center" />
+{:else if direction === Direction.LeftToRight}
+ <ReaderPage page={main} on:click={prev} --justify="flex-end" />
+ <ReaderPage page={secondary} on:click={next} --justify="flex-start" />
+ <ReaderPage page={secondary} on:click={next} --justify="flex-end" />
+ <ReaderPage page={main} on:click={prev} --justify="flex-start" />