path: root/docs/usage
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+Administrative tasks
+Administrative tasks are handled by the command-line interface. To get a quick
+overview of available commands, run:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ hircine -h
+Updating the application
+To update **hircine**, download the newest wheel and install it in the virtual
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ source <VENVDIR>/bin/activate
+ (.venv) $ python -m pip install <WHEEL>
+Running database migrations
+After the update it might be required to bring the database up-to-date. To do
+this, run:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ hircine migrate
+A backup will be created automatically.
+Backing up the database
+To save a current backup of the database into the ``backup/`` directory, run:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ hircine backup
+To restore a previously saved backup, stop **hircine** and simply replace the
+``hircine.db`` file with the backup.
+Optimizing the database
+To optimize the SQLite database, run:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ hircine vacuum
+This is generally only recommended after deleting a large amount of data. Refer
+to the `SQLite documentation
+<>`_ for details on this
diff --git a/docs/usage/configuration.rst b/docs/usage/configuration.rst
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+**hircine** looks for an optional configuration file named ``hircine.ini`` in
+its regular directory structure. Refer to Python's :mod:`configparser` module
+for details on its format.
+.. _cfg-scale:
+This section is split into two subsections, ``full`` and ``thumb``. The former
+controls scaling for images displayed in the reader and the latter controls
+scaling for thumbnails. See :doc:`/advanced/image-processing`.
+The ``width`` and ``height`` settings in each subsection control the maximum
+pixel dimensions for the processed image. They are given as integers and must
+be greater than zero. The defaults are as follows:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [import.scale.full]
+ width = 4200
+ height = 2000
+ [import.scale.thumb]
+ width = 1680
+ height = 800
+.. important::
+ Changes to these settings will only apply to newly processed image files. If
+ you want to reprocess your entire collection, run:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ hircine import -r
diff --git a/docs/usage/filtering.rst b/docs/usage/filtering.rst
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+A filter is a combination of predicates that have to be satisfied. **hircine**
+provides a filter interface that allows using almost any type of metadata as a
+predicate and can therefore build complex and expressive queries.
+.. image:: /_images/filtering.jpg
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Filtering comics
+If given multiple types of predicates, all of them have to match. If one type
+of predicate contains multiple selections, the selected mode determines how
+they are combined:
+| Mode | Behaviour |
+| ∀ ("for all") | matches if all given entities match |
+| ∃ ("there exists") | matches if any of the given entities match |
+| = ("exactly") | matches if entities are present exactly as given |
+For example, in the picture above, a comic only matches if *all* of the
+following is true:
+- It is tagged as ``female:idol`` or ``:tights``.
+- It is tagged with the artist ``40hara``.
+- It is rated as *Questionable*.
+- It is uncensored.
+- It is in any language except Japanese.
+Matching empty sets
+Each type of predicate may also match on the ∅ empty set. If enabled, the
+predicate only matches if the object does not contain any entities of that
+.. important::
+ If matching on the empty set, make sure there are no selections present in
+ the corresponding dropdown menu, as otherwise the filter will never match.
diff --git a/docs/usage/getting-started.rst b/docs/usage/getting-started.rst
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+Getting started
+Importing archives
+Place your archives in the ``content/`` directory and import them using the
+command-line interface:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ hircine import
+As **hircine** can identify an archive by its contents, subsequent import jobs
+won't import the same archive again. Archives may also be renamed or moved
+freely within the ``content/`` directory; the next import job will recognize
+these changes automatically. Symbolic links will **not** be followed.
+.. note::
+ For a more technical breakdown see :doc:`/advanced/import-process`.
+Adding comics
+Once the import job has finished, navigate to the archive tab in the web
+application and hit the refresh button [#f1]_ to load the newly added archives.
+Next, navigate to the archive that contains the comic you want to add. You'll
+be presented with an tabbed pane on the left and all the pages in the archive
+on the right.
+.. image:: /_images/archive.jpg
+ :align: center
+ :alt: The archive view
+By default, the pane shows the *Details* tab. Here you can see basic
+information on the archive and, once added, a list of comics from this archive.
+Clicking on a page will open the reader interface.
+.. note::
+ Once a comic has been added, you may specify its reading direction and page
+ layout. However, in archive view, the reader always defaults to
+ left-to-right single-page. For more information on the reader interface, see
+ :doc:`/usage/reading`.
+To add a new comic, navigate to the *Edit* tab and click the button to enter
+selection mode. Now, instead of opening the reader interface, clicking on a
+page adds it to the current selection.
+.. tip::
+ When in selection mode you may use Ctrl+Click to access the reader interface
+ instead.
+Select all pages that you want to add to a new comic and click the *Add* button
+that has appeared. The newly added comic will appear below and the selection
+mode exits. You may now add further comics by the same process, or add pages to
+an already existing comic by clicking on the *Add* button that appears over
+each comic.
+.. tip::
+ Once all relevant pages from an archive have been allocated, you may mark
+ the archive as "organized". This will automatically happen once the last
+ page has been added to a comic.
+Next, click on the newly added comic.
+Editing comics
+Comics use the same layout as archives - a tabbed pane on the left and comic
+pages on the right. Just like before, clicking a page will open the reader.
+Navigate to the *Edit* tab to start annotating the comic with metadata.
+.. image:: /_images/comic-edit.jpg
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Editing a comic
+The top section of the edit form controls basic information about a comic,
+whilst the bottom section contains dropdown fields for the user-managed
+metadata categories. The picture above shows two categories that already have a
+selection, but for you these lists will be empty.
+Adding metadata
+To add new metadata entities, navigate to the respective tab in the web
+application and hit the *Add* button in the top right corner. Alternatively,
+new entities may be added *at any time* using :ref:`shortcuts
+Let's add a new character. Hit ``nh`` on your keyboard, type in the character's
+name in the modal that appears and confirm by clicking on *Save* or hitting the
+``Enter`` key. The character is now available in the *Characters* dropdown.
+Select it there and save your changes - the comic is now tagged with this
+Removing comic pages
+Comic pages may be removed in the *Edit* tab by entering selection mode,
+selecting the pages that should be removed, and clicking the *Remove selected
+pages* button or hitting ``Delete``. Removed pages will be available again for
+allocation in the archive.
+Setting the cover
+The cover of a comic or an archive may be set at any time outside of selection
+mode by control clicking a page.
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#f1] This is the only time you need to refresh something manually in the
+ web application. Care has been taken that all other elements update
+ automatically.
diff --git a/docs/usage/index.rst b/docs/usage/index.rst
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+**hircine** is mainly controlled via the web interface. The command-line
+interface handles various administrative tasks and, crucially, is used to
+import your archives into the application.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 2
+ getting-started
+ namespaces
+ reading
+ filtering
+ scraping
+ shortcuts
+ admin
+ configuration
diff --git a/docs/usage/namespaces.rst b/docs/usage/namespaces.rst
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+Namespaces & Tags
+As :ref:`mentioned earlier <overview-tags>`, the use of namespaces is required
+when tagging comics. The user must also choose which namespaces a tag is
+applicable to. That means that in order for the :term:`qualified tag`
+``female:love interest`` to appear as a valid selection, the following must be
+1. The namespace ``female`` must exist.
+2. The tag ``love interest`` must exist.
+3. The tag ``love interest`` must specify ``female`` as a valid namespace.
+.. note::
+ Qualified tags that are subsequently rendered invalid will **not**
+ automatically be removed from comics. Whilst the qualified tag can no longer
+ be selected in the editing or filtering interface, it can still be removed
+ from the comic manually.
+Namespace sorting
+Namespaces may be configured with a "sort name". This name will be used when
+sorting lists of namespaces or qualified tags. If no such name is given, the
+namespace name is used for sorting instead.
+Tag descriptions
+Tags may be annotated with a custom description that further explains how the
+tag should be used. This description will be displayed as a tooltip when
+hovering over a qualified tag.
+Qualified tag display
+When selecting from a list, qualified tags are displayed by combining the
+namespace and tag with a colon, like ``female:love interest``. In all other
+contexts, qualified tags are rendered as small pills that contain the tag name
+only. A small number of namespaces have special handling, however: *female*,
+*male*, *trans*, *mixed*, and *location*. These are displayed with a specific
+colour and icon.
diff --git a/docs/usage/reading.rst b/docs/usage/reading.rst
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+The reader interface may be accessed by clicking on any comic page. The reader
+overlay will then open with the selected page in view. There are two metadata
+settings that affect the reader, **Direction** and **Layout**. The former
+adjusts reading direction and the latter determines how many pages are rendered
+at once.
+The reader is controlled with the mouse or the keyboard. When displaying a
+single page, clicking on the left side of the image will advance left, whilst
+clicking on the right side of the image will advance right. Similarly, when
+displaying two pages, clicking on the left image will advance left while
+clicking on the right image will advance right.
+Additionally, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:
+| Key | Action |
+| Left Arrow | Advance left. |
+| Right Arrow | Advance right. |
+| Down Arrow | Advance to the next page in reading direction. |
++-------------+ |
+| Page Down | |
++-------------+ |
+| Space | |
+| Up Arrow | Advance to the previous page in reading direction. |
++-------------+ |
+| Page Up | |
++-------------+ |
+| Backspace | |
+Editing when reading
+A comic may be edited in the reader interface by opening the edit menu in the
+top left corner or hitting ``z``. Changes to **Direction** and **Layout** will
+be visible in the reader right away, but will only persist if saved. This makes
+it easy to preview changes.
+Pending changes will not be lost when closing the reader interface - they can
+still be modified and saved in the normal *Edit* tab.
diff --git a/docs/usage/scraping.rst b/docs/usage/scraping.rst
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+**hircine** comes with a generic scraper interface that allows scraping comic
+metadata from virtually any source. A number of scrapers for common file
+formats and websites are :ref:`included <builtin-scrapers>` in the base
+installation. Refer to :doc:`/plugins/index` if you want to write your own.
+Scraper sources
+Usually, a scraper will access a location on the web or a local file on your
+disk. The former may be an online API, whilst the latter may be a `JSON
+<>`_ file like `gallery-dl
+<>`_'s ``info.json``.
+For local files, two locations are considered. The comic's archive may contain
+this file, or it may be stored as sidecar file alongside the archive in the
+``content/`` directory.
+.. _sidecar-files:
+Archive & sidecar files
+Sidecar files need to be prefixed with the full name of the archive. For
+example, if a scraper accesses a file named ``info.json`` for an archive
+``Hoshiiro GirlDrop Comic``, the following locations will be
+| Location | Name |
+| Archive | ``info.json`` |
+| Sidecar | ``content/Hoshiiro GirlDrop Comic`` |
+.. note::
+ If a file exists in both locations, the sidecar file is preferred.
+.. _scraper-interface:
+Scraper interface
+If a comic has scrapers available, they will be shown in the *Scrape* tab.
+Selecting the desired scraper and clicking on the *Scrape* button will start
+the scraping process.
+.. image:: /_images/scraper.jpg
+ :align: center
+ :alt: Scraping a comic.
+Once the scraper has returned results, they are shown in the pane below. Only
+results that differ from existing comic metadata will be displayed.
+Metadata that should not be kept may be deselected. For groups with a larger
+set of entries, the selection may be inverted to quickly deselect the whole
+group, or to only select a few entries. Pressing the *Merge* button will update
+the comic with the selected metadata.
+By default, **hircine** does not automatically create missing metadata entries.
+This can be controlled using the *Create missing items* option.
+.. note::
+ Scrapers always return :term:`qualified tags <qualified tag>` (the namespace
+ is set to ``none`` if it could not be determined). When requested to create
+ a missing qualified tag, the namespace and tag will be created (if needed),
+ and the tag will be marked as applicable to the namespace.
+ A qualified tag is considered to be missing if any of the following apply:
+ 1. The namespace does not exist.
+ 2. The tag does not exist.
+ 3. The tag is not applicable to the namespace.
+Modifying scraper results
+**hircine** allows modifying results that are returned by a scraper without
+having to change the scraper logic. Refer to the documentation on
+:doc:`/plugins/index` for more.
diff --git a/docs/usage/shortcuts.rst b/docs/usage/shortcuts.rst
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+**hircine** supports a number of shortcuts that are meant to streamline a few
+common actions. Shortcuts may be made up of multiple keys. In that case, type
+them in order.
+.. _shortcut-navigation:
+.. list-table::
+ :align: left
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Shortcut
+ - Navigates to
+ * - ``go``
+ - Home
+ * - ``gc``
+ - Comics
+ * - ``gn``
+ - Namespaces
+ * - ``gt``
+ - Tags
+ * - ``gh``
+ - Characters
+ * - ``gw``
+ - Worlds
+ * - ``ga``
+ - Artists
+ * - ``gi``
+ - Circles
+ * - ``gz``
+ - Archives
+ * - ``?``
+ - Help
+.. _shortcut-metadata:
+Adding metadata
+.. list-table::
+ :align: left
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Shortcut
+ - Action
+ * - ``na``
+ - Add a new artist.
+ * - ``ni``
+ - Add a new circle.
+ * - ``nh``
+ - Add a new character.
+ * - ``nw``
+ - Add a new world.
+ * - ``nn``
+ - Add a new namespace.
+ * - ``nt``
+ - Add a new tag.
+.. _shortcut-reader:
+.. list-table::
+ :align: left
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Shortcut
+ - Action
+ * - ``z``
+ - Open edit menu.
+ * - ``Escape``
+ - Close reader.
+.. _shortcut-filtering:
+.. list-table::
+ :align: left
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Shortcut
+ - Action
+ * - ``F``
+ - Focus search.
+ * - ``f``
+ - Toggle favourites.
+ * - ``b``
+ - Toggle bookmarked.
+ * - ``o``
+ - Toggle organized.
+.. _shortcut-misc:
+.. list-table::
+ :align: left
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Shortcut
+ - Action
+ * - ``s``
+ - Toggle selection mode if available.
+ * - ``Delete``
+ - Delete selected items.