path: root/tests/api
diff options
authorWolfgang Müller2024-03-05 18:08:09 +0100
committerWolfgang Müller2024-03-05 19:25:59 +0100
commitd1d654ebac2d51e3841675faeb56480e440f622f (patch)
tree56ef123c1a15a10dfd90836e4038e27efde950c6 /tests/api
Initial commit0.1.0
Diffstat (limited to '')
17 files changed, 5371 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef3425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+import os
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from pathlib import Path
+import hircine.config
+import hircine.db as database
+import hircine.thumbnailer as thumb
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Archive, Comic, Image, Page
+from sqlalchemy import select
+def query_archive(execute_id):
+ query = """
+ query archive($id: Int!) {
+ archive(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ ... on FullArchive {
+ id
+ name
+ createdAt
+ mtime
+ size
+ path
+ pageCount
+ organized
+ comics {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ cover {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ pages {
+ __typename
+ id
+ image {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_id(query)
+def query_archives(execute):
+ query = """
+ query archives {
+ archives {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ size
+ pageCount
+ organized
+ cover {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute(query)
+def update_archives(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation updateArchives($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpdateArchiveInput!) {
+ updateArchives(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on PageRemoteError {
+ id
+ archiveId
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def delete_archives(execute_delete):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation deleteArchives($ids: [Int!]!) {
+ deleteArchives(ids: $ids) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_delete(mutation)
+def assert_image_matches(obj, model):
+ assert obj["__typename"] == "Image"
+ assert obj["id"] ==
+def assert_page_matches(obj, model):
+ assert obj["__typename"] == "Page"
+ assert obj["id"] ==
+async def test_query_archive(query_archive, gen_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ pages = archive.pages
+ await DB.add(archive)
+ response = Response(await query_archive(
+ response.assert_is("FullArchive")
+ assert ==
+ assert ==
+ assert dt.fromisoformat(response.createdAt) == archive.created_at
+ assert dt.fromisoformat(response.mtime) == archive.mtime
+ assert response.size == archive.size
+ assert response.path == archive.path
+ assert response.comics == []
+ assert response.pageCount == archive.page_count
+ assert response.organized == archive.organized
+ assert_image_matches(response.cover, pages[0].image)
+ assert len(response.pages) == len(pages)
+ page_iter = iter(sorted(pages, key=lambda page: page.index))
+ for page in response.pages:
+ matching_page = next(page_iter)
+ assert_page_matches(page, matching_page)
+ assert_image_matches(page["image"], matching_page.image)
+async def test_query_archive_sorts_pages(query_archive, gen_jumbled_archive):
+ archive = await DB.add(next(gen_jumbled_archive))
+ response = Response(await query_archive(
+ response.assert_is("FullArchive")
+ page_iter = iter(sorted(archive.pages, key=lambda page: page.index))
+ for page in response.pages:
+ matching_page = next(page_iter)
+ assert_page_matches(page, matching_page)
+ assert_image_matches(page["image"], matching_page.image)
+async def test_query_archive_fails_not_found(query_archive):
+ response = Response(await query_archive(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Archive ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_query_archives(query_archives, gen_archive):
+ archives = await DB.add_all(*gen_archive)
+ response = Response(await query_archives())
+ response.assert_is("ArchiveFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == len(archives)
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(archives)
+ edges = iter(response.edges)
+ for archive in sorted(archives, key=lambda a:
+ edge = next(edges)
+ assert edge["id"] ==
+ assert edge["name"] ==
+ assert edge["size"] == archive.size
+ assert edge["pageCount"] == archive.page_count
+ assert_image_matches(edge["cover"], archive.cover)
+def gen_archive_with_files(tmpdir, monkeypatch, gen_archive):
+ content_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "content/")
+ object_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "objects/")
+ os.mkdir(content_dir)
+ os.mkdir(object_dir)
+ dirs = hircine.config.DirectoryStructure(scan=content_dir, objects=object_dir)
+ monkeypatch.setattr(hircine.config, "dir_structure", dirs)
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ archive_path = Path(os.path.join(content_dir, ""))
+ archive_path.touch()
+ archive.path = str(archive_path)
+ img_paths = []
+ for page in archive.pages:
+ for suffix in ["full", "thumb"]:
+ img_path = Path(thumb.object_path(object_dir, page.image.hash, suffix))
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(img_path), exist_ok=True)
+ img_path.touch()
+ img_paths.append(img_path)
+ yield archive, content_dir, object_dir, img_paths
+async def test_delete_archive(delete_archives, gen_archive_with_files):
+ archive, content_dir, object_dir, img_paths = gen_archive_with_files
+ archive_path = archive.path
+ archive = await DB.add(archive)
+ page_ids = [ for page in archive.pages]
+ image_ids = [ for page in archive.pages]
+ response = Response(await delete_archives(
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ archive = await DB.get(Archive,
+ assert archive is None
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ db_pages = (await s.scalars(select(Page).where(
+ db_images = (
+ await s.scalars(select(Image).where(
+ ).all()
+ assert db_pages == []
+ assert db_images == []
+ assert os.path.exists(archive_path) is False
+ for img_path in img_paths:
+ assert os.path.exists(img_path) is False
+async def test_delete_archive_deletes_images_only_when_necessary(
+ delete_archives, gen_archive_with_files, gen_archive
+ archive, content_dir, object_dir, img_paths = gen_archive_with_files
+ archive_path = archive.path
+ archive = await DB.add(archive)
+ page_ids = [ for page in archive.pages]
+ image_ids = [ for page in archive.pages]
+ another = next(gen_archive)
+ another.pages = [
+ Page(path="foo", index=1, image_id=id, archive=another) for id in image_ids
+ ]
+ another.cover = archive.cover
+ await DB.add(another)
+ response = Response(await delete_archives(
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ archive = await DB.get(Archive,
+ assert archive is None
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ db_pages = (await s.scalars(select(Page).where(
+ db_images = (
+ await s.scalars(select(
+ ).all()
+ assert db_pages == []
+ assert db_images == image_ids
+ assert os.path.exists(archive_path) is False
+ for img_path in img_paths:
+ assert os.path.exists(img_path) is True
+async def test_delete_archive_cascades_on_comic(
+ delete_archives, gen_archive_with_files
+ archive, *_ = gen_archive_with_files
+ comic = Comic(
+ id=1,
+ title="Hic Sunt Dracones",
+ archive=archive,
+ cover=archive.cover,
+ pages=archive.pages,
+ )
+ comic = await DB.add(comic)
+ response = Response(await delete_archives(
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ archive = await DB.get(Archive,
+ assert archive is None
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,
+ assert comic is None
+async def test_update_archives(update_archives, gen_archive):
+ old_archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ response = Response(
+ await update_archives(
+ {"cover": {"id": old_archive.pages[1].id}, "organized": True},
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ archive = await DB.get(Archive,
+ assert archive.cover_id == old_archive.pages[1]
+ assert archive.organized is True
+async def test_update_archive_fails_archive_not_found(update_archives, gen_archive):
+ archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ response = Response(
+ await update_archives(100, {"cover": {"id": archive.pages[1].id}})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 100
+ assert response.message == "Archive ID not found: '100'"
+async def test_update_archive_cover_fails_page_not_found(update_archives, gen_archive):
+ archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ response = Response(await update_archives(, {"cover": {"id": 100}}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 100
+ assert response.message == "Page ID not found: '100'"
+async def test_update_archive_cover_fails_page_remote(update_archives, gen_archive):
+ archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ another = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ remote_id = another.pages[0].id
+ response = Response(await update_archives(, {"cover": {"id": remote_id}}))
+ response.assert_is("PageRemoteError")
+ assert == remote_id
+ assert response.archiveId ==
+ assert (
+ response.message
+ == f"Page ID {remote_id} comes from remote archive ID {}"
+ )
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cb2f1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from datetime import timezone
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Artist
+def query_artist(execute_id):
+ query = """
+ query artist($id: Int!) {
+ artist(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Artist {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_id(query)
+def query_artists(execute):
+ query = """
+ query artists {
+ artists {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute(query)
+def add_artist(execute_add):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation addArtist($input: AddArtistInput!) {
+ addArtist(input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on AddSuccess {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_add(mutation)
+def update_artists(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation updateArtists($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpdateArtistInput!) {
+ updateArtists(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def delete_artists(execute_delete):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation deleteArtists($ids: [Int!]!) {
+ deleteArtists(ids: $ids) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_delete(mutation)
+async def test_query_artist(query_artist, gen_artist):
+ artist = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ response = Response(await query_artist(
+ response.assert_is("Artist")
+ assert ==
+ assert ==
+async def test_query_artist_fails_not_found(query_artist):
+ response = Response(await query_artist(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Artist ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_query_artists(query_artists, gen_artist):
+ artists = await DB.add_all(*gen_artist)
+ response = Response(await query_artists())
+ response.assert_is("ArtistFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == len(artists)
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(artists)
+ edges = iter(response.edges)
+ for artist in sorted(artists, key=lambda a:
+ edge = next(edges)
+ assert edge["id"] ==
+ assert edge["name"] ==
+async def test_add_artist(add_artist):
+ response = Response(await add_artist({"name": "added artist"}))
+ response.assert_is("AddSuccess")
+ artist = await DB.get(Artist,
+ assert artist is not None
+ assert == "added artist"
+async def test_add_artist_fails_empty_parameter(add_artist):
+ response = Response(await add_artist({"name": ""}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_add_artist_fails_exists(add_artist, gen_artist):
+ artist = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ response = Response(await add_artist({"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Artist with this name exists"
+async def test_delete_artist(delete_artists, gen_artist):
+ artist = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ id =
+ response = Response(await delete_artists(id))
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ artist = await DB.get(Artist, id)
+ assert artist is None
+async def test_delete_artist_not_found(delete_artists):
+ response = Response(await delete_artists(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Artist ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_artist(update_artists, gen_artist):
+ artist = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ input = {"name": "updated artist"}
+ response = Response(await update_artists(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ artist = await DB.get(Artist,
+ assert artist is not None
+ assert == "updated artist"
+async def test_update_artist_fails_exists(update_artists, gen_artist):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ response = Response(await update_artists(, {"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Artist with this name exists"
+async def test_update_artist_fails_not_found(update_artists):
+ response = Response(await update_artists(1, {"name": "updated artist"}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Artist ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_artists_cannot_bulk_edit_name(update_artists, gen_artist):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ response = Response(await update_artists([,], {"name": "unique"}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ "empty",
+ [
+ None,
+ "",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "none",
+ "empty string",
+ ],
+async def test_update_artist_fails_empty_parameter(update_artists, gen_artist, empty):
+ artist = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ response = Response(await update_artists(, {"name": empty}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_update_artist_changes_updated_at(update_artists):
+ original_artist = Artist(name="artist")
+ original_artist.updated_at = dt(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ original_artist = await DB.add(original_artist)
+ response = Response(await update_artists(, {"name": "updated"}))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ artist = await DB.get(Artist,
+ assert artist.updated_at > original_artist.updated_at
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..567d2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from datetime import timezone
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Character
+def query_character(execute_id):
+ query = """
+ query character($id: Int!) {
+ character(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Character {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_id(query)
+def query_characters(execute):
+ query = """
+ query characters {
+ characters {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute(query)
+def add_character(execute_add):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation addCharacter($input: AddCharacterInput!) {
+ addCharacter(input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on AddSuccess {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_add(mutation)
+def update_characters(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation updateCharacters($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpdateCharacterInput!) {
+ updateCharacters(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def delete_characters(execute_delete):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation deleteCharacters($ids: [Int!]!) {
+ deleteCharacters(ids: $ids) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_delete(mutation)
+async def test_query_character(query_character, gen_character):
+ character = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ response = Response(await query_character(
+ response.assert_is("Character")
+ assert ==
+ assert ==
+async def test_query_character_fails_not_found(query_character):
+ response = Response(await query_character(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Character ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_query_characters(query_characters, gen_character):
+ characters = await DB.add_all(*gen_character)
+ response = Response(await query_characters())
+ response.assert_is("CharacterFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == len(characters)
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(characters)
+ edges = iter(response.edges)
+ for character in sorted(characters, key=lambda a:
+ edge = next(edges)
+ assert edge["id"] ==
+ assert edge["name"] ==
+async def test_add_character(add_character):
+ response = Response(await add_character({"name": "added character"}))
+ response.assert_is("AddSuccess")
+ character = await DB.get(Character,
+ assert character is not None
+ assert == "added character"
+async def test_add_character_fails_empty_parameter(add_character):
+ response = Response(await add_character({"name": ""}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_add_character_fails_exists(add_character, gen_character):
+ character = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ response = Response(await add_character({"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Character with this name exists"
+async def test_delete_character(delete_characters, gen_character):
+ character = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ id =
+ response = Response(await delete_characters(id))
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ character = await DB.get(Character, id)
+ assert character is None
+async def test_delete_character_not_found(delete_characters):
+ response = Response(await delete_characters(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Character ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_character(update_characters, gen_character):
+ character = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ input = {"name": "updated character"}
+ response = Response(await update_characters(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ character = await DB.get(Character,
+ assert character is not None
+ assert == "updated character"
+async def test_update_character_fails_exists(update_characters, gen_character):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ response = Response(await update_characters(, {"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Character with this name exists"
+async def test_update_character_fails_not_found(update_characters):
+ response = Response(await update_characters(1, {"name": "updated_character"}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Character ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_characters_cannot_bulk_edit_name(
+ update_characters, gen_character
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ response = Response(
+ await update_characters([,], {"name": "unique"})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ "empty",
+ [
+ None,
+ "",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "none",
+ "empty string",
+ ],
+async def test_update_character_fails_empty_parameter(
+ update_characters, gen_character, empty
+ character = await DB.add(next(gen_character))
+ response = Response(await update_characters(, {"name": empty}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_update_character_changes_updated_at(update_characters):
+ original_character = Character(name="character")
+ original_character.updated_at = dt(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ original_character = await DB.add(original_character)
+ response = Response(
+ await update_characters(, {"name": "updated"})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ character = await DB.get(Character,
+ assert character.updated_at > original_character.updated_at
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a03ba89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from datetime import timezone
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Circle
+def query_circle(execute_id):
+ query = """
+ query circle($id: Int!) {
+ circle(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Circle {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_id(query)
+def query_circles(execute):
+ query = """
+ query circles {
+ circles {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute(query)
+def add_circle(execute_add):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation addCircle($input: AddCircleInput!) {
+ addCircle(input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on AddSuccess {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_add(mutation)
+def update_circles(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation updateCircles($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpdateCircleInput!) {
+ updateCircles(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def delete_circles(execute_delete):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation deleteCircles($ids: [Int!]!) {
+ deleteCircles(ids: $ids) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_delete(mutation)
+async def test_query_circle(query_circle, gen_circle):
+ circle = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ response = Response(await query_circle(
+ response.assert_is("Circle")
+ assert ==
+ assert ==
+async def test_query_circle_fails_not_found(query_circle):
+ response = Response(await query_circle(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Circle ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_query_circles(query_circles, gen_circle):
+ circles = await DB.add_all(*gen_circle)
+ response = Response(await query_circles())
+ response.assert_is("CircleFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == len(circles)
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(circles)
+ edges = iter(response.edges)
+ for circle in sorted(circles, key=lambda a:
+ edge = next(edges)
+ assert edge["id"] ==
+ assert edge["name"] ==
+async def test_add_circle(add_circle):
+ response = Response(await add_circle({"name": "added circle"}))
+ response.assert_is("AddSuccess")
+ circle = await DB.get(Circle,
+ assert circle is not None
+ assert == "added circle"
+async def test_add_circle_fails_empty_parameter(add_circle):
+ response = Response(await add_circle({"name": ""}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_add_circle_fails_exists(add_circle, gen_circle):
+ circle = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ response = Response(await add_circle({"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Circle with this name exists"
+async def test_delete_circle(delete_circles, gen_circle):
+ circle = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ id =
+ response = Response(await delete_circles(id))
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ circle = await DB.get(Circle, id)
+ assert circle is None
+async def test_delete_circle_not_found(delete_circles):
+ response = Response(await delete_circles(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Circle ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_circle(update_circles, gen_circle):
+ circle = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ input = {"name": "updated circle"}
+ response = Response(await update_circles(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ circle = await DB.get(Circle,
+ assert circle is not None
+ assert == "updated circle"
+async def test_update_circle_fails_exists(update_circles, gen_circle):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ response = Response(await update_circles(, {"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Circle with this name exists"
+async def test_update_circle_fails_not_found(update_circles):
+ response = Response(await update_circles(1, {"name": "updated circle"}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Circle ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_circles_cannot_bulk_edit_name(update_circles, gen_circle):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ response = Response(await update_circles([,], {"name": "unique"}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ "empty",
+ [
+ None,
+ "",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "none",
+ "empty string",
+ ],
+async def test_update_circle_fails_empty_parameter(update_circles, gen_circle, empty):
+ circle = await DB.add(next(gen_circle))
+ response = Response(await update_circles(, {"name": empty}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_update_circle_changes_updated_at(update_circles):
+ original_circle = Circle(name="circle")
+ original_circle.updated_at = dt(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ original_circle = await DB.add(original_circle)
+ response = Response(await update_circles(, {"name": "updated"}))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ circle = await DB.get(Circle,
+ assert circle.updated_at > original_circle.updated_at
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3fa51e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,1505 @@
+from datetime import date, timezone
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import (
+ Artist,
+ Circle,
+ Comic,
+ ComicArtist,
+ ComicTag,
+ Namespace,
+ Tag,
+ World,
+from hircine.enums import Category, Censorship, Direction, Language, Layout, Rating
+full_comic_fragment = """
+ fragment FullComic on FullComic {
+ id
+ title
+ category
+ censorship
+ createdAt
+ date
+ direction
+ language
+ layout
+ originalTitle
+ url
+ rating
+ pageCount
+ updatedAt
+ organized
+ bookmarked
+ archive {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ artists {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ characters {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ circles {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ cover {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ pages {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ tags {
+ __typename
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ worlds {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ }
+comic_fragment = """
+ fragment Comic on Comic {
+ id
+ title
+ category
+ censorship
+ date
+ language
+ originalTitle
+ rating
+ pageCount
+ organized
+ bookmarked
+ artists {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ characters {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ circles {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ cover {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ tags {
+ __typename
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ worlds {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ }
+def query_comic(execute_id):
+ query = """
+ query comic($id: Int!) {
+ comic(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ ... on FullComic {
+ ...FullComic
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_id(full_comic_fragment + query)
+def query_comics(execute):
+ query = """
+ query comics {
+ comics {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ ...Comic
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute(comic_fragment + query)
+def add_comic(execute_add):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation addComic($input: AddComicInput!) {
+ addComic(input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on AddComicSuccess {
+ id
+ archivePagesRemaining
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on PageClaimedError {
+ comicId
+ id
+ }
+ ... on PageRemoteError {
+ archiveId
+ id
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_add(mutation)
+def delete_comics(execute_delete):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation deleteComics($ids: [Int!]!) {
+ deleteComics(ids: $ids) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_delete(mutation)
+def update_comics(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation updateComics($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpdateComicInput!) {
+ updateComics(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on PageRemoteError {
+ id
+ archiveId
+ }
+ ... on PageClaimedError {
+ id
+ comicId
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def upsert_comics(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation upsertComics($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpsertComicInput!) {
+ upsertComics(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def assert_association_matches(obj, model, typename):
+ assert obj["__typename"] == typename
+ assert obj["id"] ==
+def assert_associations_match(objlist, modellist, typename, sortkey):
+ assert isinstance((objlist), list)
+ assert len(objlist) == len(modellist)
+ model = iter(sorted(modellist, key=sortkey))
+ for obj in objlist:
+ assert_association_matches(obj, next(model), typename)
+def assert_comic_item_matches(data, comic):
+ assert data["id"] ==
+ assert data["title"] == comic.title
+ assert data["originalTitle"] == comic.original_title
+ assert date.fromisoformat(data["date"]) ==
+ assert Rating[data["rating"]] == comic.rating
+ assert Language[data["language"]] == comic.language
+ assert data["pageCount"] == comic.page_count
+ assert data["organized"] == comic.organized
+ assert data["bookmarked"] == comic.bookmarked
+ if data["category"]:
+ assert Category[data["category"]] == comic.category
+ else:
+ assert comic.category is None
+ if data["censorship"]:
+ assert Censorship[data["censorship"]] == comic.censorship
+ else:
+ assert comic.censorship is None
+ assert_association_matches(data["cover"], comic.cover, "Image")
+ assert_associations_match(
+ data["artists"], comic.artists, "Artist", lambda a:
+ )
+ assert_associations_match(
+ data["characters"], comic.characters, "Character", lambda c:
+ )
+ assert_associations_match(
+ data["circles"], comic.circles, "Circle", lambda c:
+ )
+ assert_associations_match(data["tags"], comic.tags, "ComicTag", lambda t:
+ assert_associations_match(data["worlds"], comic.worlds, "World", lambda w:
+def assert_comic_matches(data, comic):
+ assert_comic_item_matches(data, comic)
+ assert dt.fromisoformat(data["createdAt"]) == comic.created_at
+ assert dt.fromisoformat(data["updatedAt"]) == comic.updated_at
+ assert Direction[data["direction"]] == comic.direction
+ assert Layout[data["layout"]] == comic.layout
+ assert data["url"] == comic.url
+ assert_association_matches(data["archive"], comic.archive, "Archive")
+ assert_associations_match(data["pages"], comic.pages, "Page", lambda p: p.index)
+async def test_query_comic(query_comic, gen_comic):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_comic(
+ response.assert_is("FullComic")
+ assert_comic_matches(, comic)
+async def test_query_comic_sorts_pages(query_comic, gen_jumbled_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_jumbled_archive)
+ comic = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ id=1,
+ title="A Jumbled Mess",
+ archive=archive,
+ pages=archive.pages,
+ cover=archive.cover,
+ )
+ )
+ response = Response(await query_comic(
+ response.assert_is("FullComic")
+ assert_associations_match(response.pages, comic.pages, "Page", lambda p: p.index)
+async def test_query_comic_fails_not_found(query_comic):
+ response = Response(await query_comic(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Comic ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_query_comics(query_comics, gen_comic):
+ comics = await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ response = Response(await query_comics())
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == len(comics)
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(comics)
+ edge = iter(response.edges)
+ for comic in sorted(comics, key=lambda c: c.title):
+ assert_comic_item_matches(next(edge), comic)
+async def test_add_comic(add_comic, gen_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ await DB.add(archive)
+ before =
+ response = Response(
+ await add_comic(
+ {
+ "title": "The Comically Bad Comic",
+ "archive": {"id":},
+ "pages": {"ids": [ for p in archive.pages]},
+ "cover": {"id": archive.pages[0].id},
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("AddComicSuccess")
+ assert response.archivePagesRemaining is False
+ after =
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert comic.title == "The Comically Bad Comic"
+ assert ==
+ assert comic.archive.organized is True
+ assert set([ for page in comic.pages]) == set(
+ [ for page in archive.pages]
+ )
+ assert ==
+ assert comic.category is None
+ assert comic.censorship is None
+ assert comic.created_at >= before
+ assert comic.created_at <= after
+ assert is None
+ assert comic.language is None
+ assert comic.layout == Layout.SINGLE
+ assert comic.original_title is None
+ assert comic.url is None
+ assert comic.rating is None
+ assert comic.artists == []
+ assert comic.characters == []
+ assert comic.circles == []
+ assert comic.tags == []
+ assert comic.worlds == []
+async def test_add_comic_pages_remaining(add_comic, gen_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ await DB.add(archive)
+ response = Response(
+ await add_comic(
+ {
+ "title": "The Unfinished Comic",
+ "archive": {"id":},
+ "pages": {"ids": [ for p in archive.pages][:2]},
+ "cover": {"id": archive.pages[0].id},
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("AddComicSuccess")
+ assert response.archivePagesRemaining is True
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic.archive.organized is False
+async def test_add_comic_fails_archive_not_found(add_comic, gen_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ await DB.add(archive)
+ response = Response(
+ await add_comic(
+ {
+ "title": "Voidful Comic",
+ "archive": {"id": 10},
+ "pages": {"ids": [ for p in archive.pages]},
+ "cover": {"id": archive.pages[0].id},
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 10
+ assert response.message == "Archive ID not found: '10'"
+async def test_add_comic_fails_page_not_found(add_comic, gen_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ await DB.add(archive)
+ response = Response(
+ await add_comic(
+ {
+ "title": "Pageless Comic",
+ "archive": {"id":},
+ "pages": {"ids": [10]},
+ "cover": {"id": archive.pages[0].id},
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 10
+ assert response.message == "Page ID not found: '10'"
+async def test_add_comic_fails_page_claimed(add_comic, gen_archive):
+ other_archive = next(gen_archive)
+ other_comic = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ title="Lawful Comic",
+ archive=other_archive,
+ cover=other_archive.cover,
+ pages=other_archive.pages,
+ )
+ )
+ claimed_page = other_comic.pages[0]
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ await DB.add(archive)
+ response = Response(
+ await add_comic(
+ {
+ "title": "Comic of Attempted Burglary",
+ "archive": {"id":},
+ "pages": {"ids": []},
+ "cover": {"id": archive.pages[0].id},
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("PageClaimedError")
+ assert ==
+ assert response.comicId ==
+ assert (
+ response.message
+ == f"Page ID {} is already claimed by comic ID {}"
+ )
+async def test_add_comic_fails_empty_parameter(add_comic, gen_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ await DB.add(archive)
+ response = Response(
+ await add_comic(
+ {
+ "title": "",
+ "archive": {"id":},
+ "pages": {"ids": [ for p in archive.pages]},
+ "cover": {"id": archive.pages[0].id},
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "title"
+async def test_add_comic_fails_page_remote(add_comic, gen_archive):
+ other_archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ other_page = other_archive.pages[0]
+ archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ response = Response(
+ await add_comic(
+ {
+ "title": "Comic of Multiple Archives",
+ "archive": {"id":},
+ "pages": {"ids": []},
+ "cover": {"id": archive.pages[0].id},
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("PageRemoteError")
+ assert ==
+ assert response.archiveId ==
+ assert (
+ response.message
+ == f"Page ID {} comes from remote archive ID {}"
+ )
+async def test_add_comic_fails_cover_remote(add_comic, gen_archive):
+ other_archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ other_page = other_archive.pages[0]
+ archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ response = Response(
+ await add_comic(
+ {
+ "title": "Comic of Multiple Archives",
+ "archive": {"id":},
+ "pages": {"ids": [ for p in archive.pages]},
+ "cover": {"id":},
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("PageRemoteError")
+ assert ==
+ assert response.archiveId ==
+ assert (
+ response.message
+ == f"Page ID {} comes from remote archive ID {}"
+ )
+async def test_delete_comic(delete_comics, gen_comic):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await delete_comics(
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,
+ assert comic is None
+async def test_delete_comic_not_found(delete_comics):
+ response = Response(await delete_comics(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Comic ID not found: '1'"
+def assert_assocs_match(assocs, collection, name_only=False):
+ assert set([ for o in assocs]) == set([ for o in collection])
+ assert set([ for o in assocs]) == set([ for o in collection])
+async def test_update_comic(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ artists = await DB.add_all(Artist(name="arty"), Artist(name="farty"))
+ circles = await DB.add_all(Circle(name="round"), Circle(name="oval"))
+ worlds = await DB.add_all(World(name="animal world"), World(name="no spiders"))
+ namespace = await DB.add(Namespace(name="emus"))
+ tag = await DB.add(Tag(name="creepy"))
+ ct = ComicTag(namespace=namespace, tag=tag)
+ new_tags = [ct] + original_comic.tags
+ new_pages = [ for p in original_comic.pages[:2]]
+ input = {
+ "title": "Saucy Savannah Adventures (now in Italian)",
+ "url": "file:///home/savannah/avventura",
+ "originalTitle": original_comic.title,
+ "cover": {"id": original_comic.pages[1].id},
+ "pages": {"ids": new_pages},
+ "favourite": False,
+ "organized": True,
+ "bookmarked": True,
+ "artists": {"ids": [ for a in artists]},
+ "circles": {"ids": [ for c in circles]},
+ "worlds": {"ids": [ for w in worlds]},
+ "tags": {"ids": [ for ct in new_tags]},
+ "date": "2010-07-06",
+ "direction": "LEFT_TO_RIGHT",
+ "language": "IT",
+ "layout": "DOUBLE_OFFSET",
+ "rating": "EXPLICIT",
+ "censorship": "BAR",
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert comic.title == "Saucy Savannah Adventures (now in Italian)"
+ assert comic.original_title == original_comic.title
+ assert == original_comic.pages[1]
+ assert comic.url == "file:///home/savannah/avventura"
+ assert comic.favourite is False
+ assert comic.organized is True
+ assert comic.bookmarked is True
+ assert set([ for p in comic.pages]) == set(new_pages)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.artists, artists)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.circles, circles)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.characters, original_comic.characters)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.worlds, worlds)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.tags, new_tags)
+ assert == date(2010, 7, 6)
+ assert comic.direction == Direction.LEFT_TO_RIGHT
+ assert comic.layout == Layout.DOUBLE_OFFSET
+ assert comic.rating == Rating.EXPLICIT
+ assert comic.language == Language.IT
+ assert comic.censorship == Censorship.BAR
+async def test_update_comic_clears_associations(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ empty = {"ids": []}
+ input = {
+ "artists": empty,
+ "circles": empty,
+ "worlds": empty,
+ "tags": empty,
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert comic.artists == []
+ assert comic.circles == []
+ assert comic.worlds == []
+ assert comic.tags == []
+async def test_update_comic_clears_enums(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ input = {
+ "category": None,
+ "censorship": None,
+ "rating": None,
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert comic.rating is None
+ assert comic.category is None
+ assert comic.censorship is None
+ "empty",
+ [
+ None,
+ "",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "with None",
+ "with empty string",
+ ],
+async def test_update_comic_clears_string_fields(update_comics, gen_comic, empty):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ input = {
+ "originalTitle": empty,
+ "url": empty,
+ "date": None,
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert comic.original_title is None
+ assert is None
+ assert comic.url is None
+async def test_update_comic_fails_comic_not_found(update_comics):
+ response = Response(await update_comics(1, {"title": "This Will Not Happen"}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Comic ID not found: '1'"
+ "parameter,empty",
+ [
+ ("title", ""),
+ ("title", None),
+ ("direction", None),
+ ("layout", None),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "title (empty string)",
+ "title (none)",
+ "direction",
+ "layout",
+ ],
+async def test_update_comic_fails_empty_parameter(
+ update_comics, gen_archive, parameter, empty
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ comic = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ title="Dusty Old Comic",
+ archive=archive,
+ cover=archive.cover,
+ pages=archive.pages,
+ )
+ )
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, {parameter: empty}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == parameter
+ assert response.message == f"Invalid parameter '{parameter}': cannot be empty"
+async def test_update_comic_fails_namespace_not_found(update_comics, gen_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ comic = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ title="Dusty Old Comic",
+ archive=archive,
+ cover=archive.cover,
+ pages=archive.pages,
+ )
+ )
+ tag = await DB.add(Tag(name="shiny"))
+ response = Response(
+ await update_comics(, {"tags": {"ids": [f"1:{}"]}})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Namespace ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_comic_fails_tag_not_found(update_comics, gen_archive):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ comic = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ title="Dusty Old Comic",
+ archive=archive,
+ cover=archive.cover,
+ pages=archive.pages,
+ )
+ )
+ namespace = await DB.add(Namespace(name="height"))
+ response = Response(
+ await update_comics(, {"tags": {"ids": [f"{}:1"]}})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Tag ID not found: '1'"
+ "input",
+ [
+ "",
+ ":1",
+ "1:",
+ "a:b",
+ "tag",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "empty",
+ "namespacing missing",
+ "tag missing",
+ "no numeric ids",
+ "wrong format",
+ ],
+async def test_update_comic_fails_invalid_tag(update_comics, gen_archive, input):
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ comic = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ title="Dusty Old Comic",
+ archive=archive,
+ cover=archive.cover,
+ pages=archive.pages,
+ )
+ )
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, {"tags": {"ids": [input]}}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "id"
+ msg = "Invalid parameter 'id': ComicTag ID must be specified as <namespace_id>:<tag_id>" # noqa: E501
+ assert response.message == msg
+ "name,key,id",
+ [
+ ("Artist", "artists", 1),
+ ("Character", "characters", 1),
+ ("Circle", "circles", 1),
+ ("World", "worlds", 1),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "artist",
+ "character",
+ "circle",
+ "world",
+ ],
+async def test_update_comic_fails_assoc_not_found(
+ update_comics, gen_archive, name, key, id
+ archive = next(gen_archive)
+ comic = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ title="Dusty Old Comic",
+ archive=archive,
+ cover=archive.cover,
+ pages=archive.pages,
+ )
+ )
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, {key: {"ids": [id]}}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == id
+ assert response.message == f"{name} ID not found: '{id}'"
+ "option",
+ [
+ None,
+ {},
+ {"onMissing": "IGNORE"},
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "default option",
+ "empty option",
+ "explicit option",
+ ],
+async def test_upsert_comic_ignores_with(upsert_comics, gen_comic, option):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ new_artists = await DB.add_all(Artist(name="arty"), Artist(name="farty"))
+ input = {
+ "artists": {
+ "names": [ for a in new_artists] + ["newy"],
+ "options": option,
+ },
+ }
+ response = Response(await upsert_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpsertSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.artists, original_comic.artists + list(new_artists))
+ "option",
+ [
+ None,
+ {},
+ {"onMissing": "IGNORE"},
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "default option",
+ "empty option",
+ "explicit option",
+ ],
+async def test_upsert_comic_ignores_missing_tags_with(upsert_comics, gen_comic, option):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ tags = await DB.add_all(
+ ComicTag(
+ namespace=Namespace(name="foo"),
+ tag=Tag(name="bar"),
+ )
+ )
+ input = {
+ "tags": {"names": ["foo:bar", "baz:qux"], "options": option},
+ }
+ response = Response(await upsert_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpsertSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.tags, original_comic.tags + list(tags))
+ "option",
+ [
+ None,
+ {},
+ {"onMissing": "IGNORE"},
+ {"onMissing": "CREATE"},
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "default option",
+ "empty option",
+ ],
+async def test_upsert_comic_skips_existing_tags(upsert_comics, gen_comic, option):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ ctag = comic.tags[0]
+ names = [f"{}:{}"]
+ input = {
+ "tags": {"names": names, "options": option},
+ }
+ response = Response(await upsert_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpsertSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.tags, comic.tags)
+ "valid",
+ [
+ True,
+ False,
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "valid combination",
+ "invalid combination",
+ ],
+async def test_upsert_comic_ignore_missing_handles_resident(
+ upsert_comics, gen_comic, valid
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ namespace = await DB.add(Namespace(name="foo"))
+ tag = Tag(name="bar")
+ if valid:
+ tag.namespaces = [namespace]
+ tag = await DB.add(tag)
+ ctag = ComicTag(namespace=namespace, tag=tag)
+ expected_tags = original_comic.tags
+ if valid:
+ expected_tags.append(ctag)
+ input = {
+ "tags": {"names": ["foo:bar"], "options": {"onMissing": "IGNORE"}},
+ }
+ response = Response(await upsert_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpsertSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.tags, expected_tags)
+async def test_upsert_comic_tags_uses_existing(upsert_comics, empty_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(empty_comic)
+ await DB.add_all(Namespace(name="foo"))
+ await DB.add_all(Tag(name="bar"))
+ tag_names = ["foo:bar"]
+ response = Response(
+ await upsert_comics(
+ {"tags": {"names": tag_names, "options": {"onMissing": "CREATE"}}},
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("UpsertSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert set(tag_names) == set(
+ [f"{}:{}" for t in comic.tags]
+ )
+ "key,list",
+ [
+ ("artists", ["arty", "farty"]),
+ ("tags", ["alien:medium", "human:tiny"]),
+ ("artists", ["arty", "arty"]),
+ ("tags", ["foo:good", "bar:good"]),
+ ("tags", ["foo:good", "foo:bad"]),
+ ("artists", []),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "artists",
+ "tags",
+ "artists (duplicate)",
+ "tags (duplicate)",
+ "namespace (duplicate)",
+ "artists (empty)",
+ ],
+async def test_upsert_comic_creates(upsert_comics, empty_comic, key, list):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(empty_comic)
+ input = {
+ key: {"names": list, "options": {"onMissing": "CREATE"}},
+ }
+ response = Response(await upsert_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpsertSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert comic is not None
+ assert set(list) == set([ for o in getattr(comic, key)])
+async def test_upsert_comic_fails_creating_empty_assoc_name(upsert_comics, gen_comic):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ input = {
+ "artists": {"names": ""},
+ }
+ response = Response(await upsert_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == ""
+async def test_upsert_comic_does_not_replace(upsert_comics, gen_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ original_artists = set([ for a in original_comic.artists])
+ input = {
+ "artists": {"names": []},
+ }
+ response = Response(await upsert_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpsertSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,
+ artists = set([ for a in comic.artists])
+ assert artists == original_artists
+ "input",
+ [
+ "",
+ ":tiny",
+ "human:",
+ "medium",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "empty",
+ "namespace missing",
+ "tag missing",
+ "wrong format",
+ ],
+async def test_upsert_comic_fails_creating_invalid_tag(upsert_comics, gen_comic, input):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ input = {
+ "tags": {"names": [input]},
+ }
+ response = Response(await upsert_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ msg = "Invalid parameter 'name': ComicTag name must be specified as <namespace>:<tag>" # noqa: E501
+ assert response.message == msg
+ "options",
+ [
+ None,
+ {},
+ {"mode": "REPLACE"},
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "by default (none)",
+ "by default (empty record)",
+ "when defined explicitly",
+ ],
+async def test_update_comic_replaces_assocs(update_comics, gen_comic, options):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ new_artist = await DB.add(Artist(name="max"))
+ input = {
+ "artists": {"ids": []},
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.artists, [new_artist])
+async def test_update_comic_adds_assocs(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ new_artist = await DB.add(Artist(name="max"))
+ added_artists = original_comic.artists + [new_artist]
+ input = {
+ "artists": {"ids": [], "options": {"mode": "ADD"}},
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.artists, added_artists)
+async def test_update_comic_adds_existing_assocs(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ artists = original_comic.artists
+ input = {
+ "artists": {
+ "ids": [ for artist in artists],
+ "options": {"mode": "ADD"},
+ },
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.artists, artists)
+async def test_update_comic_adds_tags(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ new_namespace = await DB.add(Namespace(name="new"))
+ new_tag = await DB.add(Tag(name="new"))
+ added_tags = original_comic.tags + [
+ ComicTag(, tag=new_tag, namespace=new_namespace)
+ ]
+ input = {
+ "tags": {
+ "ids": [f"{}:{}"],
+ "options": {"mode": "ADD"},
+ },
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.tags, added_tags)
+async def test_update_comic_adds_existing_tags(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ original_comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ tags = original_comic.tags
+ input = {
+ "tags": {
+ "ids": [f"{}:{}" for tag in tags],
+ "options": {"mode": "ADD"},
+ },
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.tags, tags)
+async def test_update_comic_removes_assocs(update_comics, empty_comic):
+ original_comic = empty_comic
+ removed_artist = Artist(id=1, name="sam")
+ remaining_artist = Artist(id=2, name="max")
+ original_comic.artists = [removed_artist, remaining_artist]
+ original_comic = await DB.add(original_comic)
+ input = {
+ "artists": {"ids": [], "options": {"mode": "REMOVE"}},
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.artists, [remaining_artist])
+async def test_update_comic_removes_tags(update_comics, empty_comic):
+ original_comic = empty_comic
+ removed_tag = ComicTag(
+ tag=Tag(id=1, name="gone"),
+ namespace=Namespace(id=1, name="all"),
+ )
+ remaining_tag = ComicTag(
+ tag=Tag(id=2, name="there"),
+ namespace=Namespace(id=2, name="still"),
+ )
+ original_comic.tags = [removed_tag, remaining_tag]
+ original_comic = await DB.add(original_comic)
+ input = {
+ "tags": {"ids": ["1:1"], "options": {"mode": "REMOVE"}},
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,, full=True)
+ assert_assocs_match(comic.tags, [remaining_tag])
+ "rows,input",
+ [
+ ([], {"title": "Updated Comic"}),
+ (
+ [Artist(id=1, name="artist")],
+ {"artists": {"ids": [1]}},
+ ),
+ (
+ [Artist(id=1, name="artist"), ComicArtist(artist_id=1, comic_id=100)],
+ {"title": "Updated Comic", "artists": {"ids": [1]}},
+ ),
+ (
+ [
+ Namespace(id=1, name="ns"),
+ Tag(id=1, name="artist"),
+ ],
+ {"tags": {"ids": ["1:1"]}},
+ ),
+ (
+ [
+ Namespace(id=1, name="ns"),
+ Tag(id=1, name="artist"),
+ ComicTag(namespace_id=1, tag_id=1, comic_id=100),
+ ],
+ {"title": "Updated Comic", "tags": {"ids": ["1:1"]}},
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "with scalar",
+ "with assoc",
+ "with scalar and existing assoc",
+ "with tag",
+ "with scalar and existing tag",
+ ],
+async def test_update_comic_changes_updated_at(update_comics, empty_comic, rows, input):
+ original_comic = empty_comic
+ original_comic.updated_at = dt(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ original_comic = await DB.add(original_comic)
+ await DB.add_all(*rows)
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ comic = await DB.get(Comic,
+ assert comic.updated_at > original_comic.updated_at
+async def test_update_comic_cover_fails_page_not_found(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, {"cover": {"id": 100}}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 100
+ assert response.message == "Page ID not found: '100'"
+async def test_update_comic_cover_fails_page_remote(
+ update_comics, gen_comic, gen_archive
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ other_archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ remote_id = other_archive.pages[0].id
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, {"cover": {"id": remote_id}}))
+ response.assert_is("PageRemoteError")
+ assert == remote_id
+ assert response.archiveId ==
+ assert (
+ response.message
+ == f"Page ID {remote_id} comes from remote archive ID {}"
+ )
+async def test_update_comic_pages_fails_page_not_found(update_comics, gen_comic):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, {"pages": {"ids": 100}}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 100
+ assert response.message == "Page ID not found: '100'"
+async def test_update_comic_pages_fails_page_remote(
+ update_comics, gen_comic, gen_archive
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ other_archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ remote_id = other_archive.pages[0].id
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, {"pages": {"ids": [remote_id]}}))
+ response.assert_is("PageRemoteError")
+ assert == remote_id
+ assert response.archiveId ==
+ assert (
+ response.message
+ == f"Page ID {remote_id} comes from remote archive ID {}"
+ )
+async def test_update_comic_pages_fails_page_claimed(update_comics, gen_archive):
+ archive = await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ comic = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ id=1,
+ title="A Very Good Comic",
+ archive=archive,
+ cover=archive.pages[0].image,
+ pages=[archive.pages[0], archive.pages[1]],
+ )
+ )
+ claiming = await DB.add(
+ Comic(
+ id=2,
+ title="A Very Claiming Comic",
+ archive=archive,
+ cover=archive.pages[2].image,
+ pages=[archive.pages[2], archive.pages[3]],
+ )
+ )
+ claimed_id = claiming.pages[0].id
+ response = Response(await update_comics(, {"pages": {"ids": [claimed_id]}}))
+ response.assert_is("PageClaimedError")
+ assert == claimed_id
+ assert response.comicId ==
+ assert (
+ response.message
+ == f"Page ID {claimed_id} is already claimed by comic ID {}"
+ )
+ "mode",
+ [
+ ("REPLACE"),
+ ("REMOVE"),
+ ],
+async def test_update_comic_pages_fails_empty(update_comics, gen_comic, mode):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ ids = [] if mode == "REPLACE" else [ for p in comic.pages]
+ response = Response(
+ await update_comics(
+, {"pages": {"ids": ids, "options": {"mode": mode}}}
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "pages"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'pages': cannot be empty"
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f536b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+from functools import partial
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Namespace, Tag
+def query_comic_tags(schema_execute):
+ query = """
+ query comicTags($forFilter: Boolean) {
+ comicTags(forFilter: $forFilter) {
+ edges {
+ __typename
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ count
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ def wrapper(q):
+ async def _execute(for_filter=False):
+ return await schema_execute(q, {"forFilter": for_filter})
+ return _execute
+ return wrapper(query)
+def build_item(namespace, tag):
+ nid, tid = "", ""
+ nname, tname = "", ""
+ if namespace:
+ nid, nname =,
+ if tag:
+ tid, tname =,
+ item = {
+ "__typename": "ComicTag",
+ "id": f"{nid}:{tid}",
+ "name": f"{nname}:{tname}",
+ }
+ return item
+async def test_query_comic_tags_cross(query_comic_tags):
+ ns_foo = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ ns_bar = Namespace(id=2, name="bar")
+ tag_qoo = Tag(id=1, name="qoo", namespaces=[ns_foo, ns_bar])
+ tag_qar = Tag(id=2, name="qar", namespaces=[ns_foo, ns_bar])
+ await DB.add_all(ns_foo, ns_bar)
+ await DB.add_all(tag_qoo, tag_qar)
+ builder = partial(build_item)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_tags())
+ assert["edges"] == [
+ builder(ns_bar, tag_qar),
+ builder(ns_bar, tag_qoo),
+ builder(ns_foo, tag_qar),
+ builder(ns_foo, tag_qoo),
+ ]
+async def test_query_comic_tags_restricted_namespace(query_comic_tags):
+ ns_foo = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ ns_bar = Namespace(id=2, name="bar")
+ tag_qoo = Tag(id=1, name="qoo", namespaces=[ns_bar])
+ tag_qar = Tag(id=2, name="qar", namespaces=[ns_foo])
+ await DB.add_all(ns_foo, ns_bar)
+ await DB.add_all(tag_qoo, tag_qar)
+ builder = partial(build_item)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_tags())
+ assert["edges"] == [
+ builder(ns_bar, tag_qoo),
+ builder(ns_foo, tag_qar),
+ ]
+async def test_query_comic_tag_matchers_cross(query_comic_tags):
+ ns_foo = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ ns_bar = Namespace(id=2, name="bar")
+ tag_qoo = Tag(id=1, name="qoo", namespaces=[ns_foo, ns_bar])
+ tag_qar = Tag(id=2, name="qar", namespaces=[ns_foo, ns_bar])
+ await DB.add_all(ns_foo, ns_bar, tag_qoo, tag_qar)
+ builder = partial(build_item)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_tags(for_filter=True))
+ assert["edges"] == [
+ builder(ns_bar, None),
+ builder(ns_foo, None),
+ builder(None, tag_qar),
+ builder(None, tag_qoo),
+ builder(ns_bar, tag_qar),
+ builder(ns_bar, tag_qoo),
+ builder(ns_foo, tag_qar),
+ builder(ns_foo, tag_qoo),
+ ]
+async def test_query_comic_tag_matchers_restricted_namespace(query_comic_tags):
+ ns_foo = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ ns_bar = Namespace(id=2, name="bar")
+ tag_qoo = Tag(id=1, name="qoo", namespaces=[ns_bar])
+ tag_qar = Tag(id=2, name="qar", namespaces=[ns_foo])
+ await DB.add_all(ns_foo, ns_bar, tag_qoo, tag_qar)
+ builder = partial(build_item)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_tags(for_filter=True))
+ assert["edges"] == [
+ builder(ns_bar, None),
+ builder(ns_foo, None),
+ builder(None, tag_qar),
+ builder(None, tag_qoo),
+ builder(ns_bar, tag_qoo),
+ builder(ns_foo, tag_qar),
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f53b90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
+import hircine.db as database
+import hircine.db.models as models
+import hircine.db.ops as ops
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB
+from hircine.db.models import (
+ Artist,
+ Base,
+ Comic,
+ ComicTag,
+ DateTimeUTC,
+ MixinID,
+ Namespace,
+ Tag,
+ TagNamespaces,
+from sqlalchemy.exc import StatementError
+from sqlalchemy.orm import (
+ Mapped,
+ mapped_column,
+class Date(MixinID, Base):
+ date: Mapped[datetime] = mapped_column(DateTimeUTC)
+async def test_db_requires_tzinfo():
+ with pytest.raises(StatementError, match="tzinfo is required"):
+ await DB.add(Date(date=datetime(2019, 4, 22)))
+async def test_db_converts_date_input_to_utc():
+ date = datetime(2019, 4, 22, tzinfo=timezone(timedelta(hours=-4)))
+ await DB.add(Date(date=date))
+ item = await DB.get(Date, 1)
+ assert == timezone.utc
+ assert == date
+ "modelcls,assoccls",
+ [
+ (models.Artist, models.ComicArtist),
+ (models.Circle, models.ComicCircle),
+ (models.Character, models.ComicCharacter),
+ (models.World, models.ComicWorld),
+ ],
+ ids=["artists", "circles", "characters", "worlds"],
+async def test_models_retained_when_clearing_association(
+ empty_comic, modelcls, assoccls
+ model = modelcls(id=1, name="foo")
+ key = f"{modelcls.__name__.lower()}s"
+ comic = empty_comic
+ setattr(comic, key, [model])
+ comic = await DB.add(comic)
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ object = await s.get(Comic,
+ setattr(object, key, [])
+ await s.commit()
+ assert await DB.get(assoccls, (, is None
+ assert await DB.get(Comic, is not None
+ assert await DB.get(modelcls, is not None
+async def test_models_retained_when_clearing_comictag(empty_comic):
+ comic = await DB.add(empty_comic)
+ namespace = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ tag = Tag(id=1, name="bar")
+ ct = ComicTag(, namespace=namespace, tag=tag)
+ await DB.add(ct)
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ object = await s.get(Comic,
+ object.tags = []
+ await s.commit()
+ assert await DB.get(ComicTag, (, ct.namespace_id, ct.tag_id)) is None
+ assert await DB.get(Namespace, is not None
+ assert await DB.get(Tag, is not None
+ assert await DB.get(Comic, is not None
+ "modelcls,assoccls",
+ [
+ (models.Artist, models.ComicArtist),
+ (models.Circle, models.ComicCircle),
+ (models.Character, models.ComicCharacter),
+ (models.World, models.ComicWorld),
+ ],
+ ids=["artists", "circles", "characters", "worlds"],
+async def test_only_association_cleared_when_deleting(empty_comic, modelcls, assoccls):
+ model = modelcls(id=1, name="foo")
+ comic = empty_comic
+ setattr(comic, f"{modelcls.__name__.lower()}s", [model])
+ comic = await DB.add(comic)
+ await DB.delete(modelcls,
+ assert await DB.get(assoccls, (, is None
+ assert await DB.get(Comic, is not None
+ "deleted",
+ [
+ "namespace",
+ "tag",
+ ],
+async def test_only_comictag_association_cleared_when_deleting(empty_comic, deleted):
+ comic = await DB.add(empty_comic)
+ namespace = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ tag = Tag(id=1, name="bar")
+ await DB.add(ComicTag(, namespace=namespace, tag=tag))
+ if deleted == "namespace":
+ await DB.delete(Namespace,
+ elif deleted == "tag":
+ await DB.delete(Tag,
+ assert await DB.get(ComicTag, (,, is None
+ if deleted == "namespace":
+ assert await DB.get(Tag, is not None
+ elif deleted == "tag":
+ assert await DB.get(Namespace, is not None
+ assert await DB.get(Comic, is not None
+ "modelcls,assoccls",
+ [
+ (models.Artist, models.ComicArtist),
+ (models.Circle, models.ComicCircle),
+ (models.Character, models.ComicCharacter),
+ (models.World, models.ComicWorld),
+ ],
+ ids=["artists", "circles", "characters", "worlds"],
+async def test_deleting_comic_only_clears_association(empty_comic, modelcls, assoccls):
+ model = modelcls(id=1, name="foo")
+ comic = empty_comic
+ setattr(comic, f"{modelcls.__name__.lower()}s", [model])
+ comic = await DB.add(comic)
+ await DB.delete(Comic,
+ assert await DB.get(assoccls, (, is None
+ assert await DB.get(modelcls, is not None
+async def test_deleting_comic_only_clears_comictag(empty_comic):
+ comic = await DB.add(empty_comic)
+ namespace = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ tag = Tag(id=1, name="bar")
+ await DB.add(ComicTag(, namespace=namespace, tag=tag))
+ await DB.delete(Comic,
+ assert await DB.get(ComicTag, (,, is None
+ assert await DB.get(Tag, is not None
+ assert await DB.get(Namespace, is not None
+async def test_models_retained_when_clearing_tagnamespace():
+ namespace = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ tag = Tag(id=1, name="foo", namespaces=[namespace])
+ tag = await DB.add(tag)
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ db_tag = await s.get(Tag,, options=Tag.load_full())
+ db_tag.namespaces = []
+ await s.commit()
+ assert await DB.get(TagNamespaces, (, is None
+ assert await DB.get(Namespace, is not None
+ assert await DB.get(Tag, is not None
+async def test_only_tagnamespace_cleared_when_deleting_tag():
+ namespace = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ tag = Tag(id=1, name="foo", namespaces=[namespace])
+ tag = await DB.add(tag)
+ await DB.delete(Tag,
+ assert await DB.get(TagNamespaces, (, is None
+ assert await DB.get(Namespace, is not None
+ assert await DB.get(Tag, is None
+async def test_only_tagnamespace_cleared_when_deleting_namespace():
+ namespace = Namespace(id=1, name="foo")
+ tag = Tag(id=1, name="foo", namespaces=[namespace])
+ tag = await DB.add(tag)
+ await DB.delete(Namespace,
+ assert await DB.get(TagNamespaces, (, is None
+ assert await DB.get(Namespace, is None
+ assert await DB.get(Tag, is not None
+ "use_identity_map",
+ [False, True],
+ ids=["without identity lookup", "with identity lookup"],
+async def test_ops_get_all(gen_artist, use_identity_map):
+ artist = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ have = list(await DB.add_all(*gen_artist))
+ have.append(artist)
+ missing_ids = [10, 20]
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ if use_identity_map:
+ s.add(artist)
+ artists, missing = await ops.get_all(
+ s,
+ Artist,
+ [ for a in have] + missing_ids,
+ use_identity_map=use_identity_map,
+ )
+ assert set([ for a in artists]) == set([ for a in have])
+ assert missing == set(missing_ids)
+async def test_ops_get_all_names(gen_artist):
+ have = await DB.add_all(*gen_artist)
+ missing_names = ["arty", "farty"]
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ artists, missing = await ops.get_all_names(
+ s, Artist, [ for a in have] + missing_names
+ )
+ assert set([ for a in artists]) == set([ for a in have])
+ assert missing == set(missing_names)
+ "missing",
+ [[("foo", "bar"), ("qux", "qaz")], []],
+ ids=["missing", "no missing"],
+async def test_ops_get_ctag_names(gen_comic, gen_tag, gen_namespace, missing):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ have = [(, for ct in comic.tags]
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ cts, missing = await ops.get_ctag_names(s,, have + missing)
+ assert set(have) == set([(, for ct in cts])
+ assert missing == set(missing)
+async def test_ops_lookup_identity(gen_artist):
+ one = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ two = await DB.add(next(gen_artist))
+ rest = await DB.add_all(*gen_artist)
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ get_one = await s.get(Artist,
+ get_two = await s.get(Artist,
+ s.add(get_one, get_two)
+ artists, satisfied = ops.lookup_identity(
+ s, Artist, [ for a in [one, two] + list(rest)]
+ )
+ assert set([ for a in artists]) == set([ for a in [one, two]])
+ assert satisfied == set([,])
+async def test_ops_get_image_orphans(gen_archive, gen_image):
+ await DB.add(next(gen_archive))
+ orphan_one = await DB.add(next(gen_image))
+ orphan_two = await DB.add(next(gen_image))
+ async with database.session() as s:
+ orphans = set(await ops.get_image_orphans(s))
+ assert orphans == set(
+ [(, orphan_one.hash), (, orphan_two.hash)]
+ )
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67a953f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Namespace, Tag
+def query_comic_filter(execute_filter):
+ query = """
+ query comics($filter: ComicFilterInput) {
+ comics(filter: $filter) {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ title
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_filter(query)
+def query_string_filter(execute_filter):
+ query = """
+ query artists($filter: ArtistFilterInput) {
+ artists(filter: $filter) {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_filter(query)
+def query_tag_filter(execute_filter):
+ query = """
+ query tags($filter: TagFilterInput) {
+ tags(filter: $filter) {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_filter(query)
+def id_list(edges):
+ return sorted([int(edge["id"]) for edge in edges])
+ "filter,ids",
+ [
+ (
+ {"include": {"name": {"contains": "robin"}}},
+ [3, 4],
+ ),
+ ({"exclude": {"name": {"contains": "smith"}}}, [2, 3]),
+ (
+ {
+ "exclude": {"name": {"contains": "robin"}},
+ "include": {"name": {"contains": "smith"}},
+ },
+ [1],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "includes",
+ "excludes",
+ "includes and excludes",
+ ],
+async def test_string_filter(query_string_filter, gen_artist, filter, ids):
+ await DB.add_all(*gen_artist)
+ response = Response(await query_string_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ArtistFilterResult")
+ assert id_list(response.edges) == ids
+ "filter,empty_response",
+ [
+ ({"include": {"name": {"contains": ""}}}, False),
+ ({"include": {"name": {}}}, False),
+ ({"exclude": {"name": {"contains": ""}}}, True),
+ ({"exclude": {"name": {}}}, False),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "string (include)",
+ "field (include)",
+ "string (exclude)",
+ "field (exclude)",
+ ],
+async def test_string_filter_handles_empty(
+ query_string_filter, gen_artist, filter, empty_response
+ artists = await DB.add_all(*gen_artist)
+ response = Response(await query_string_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ArtistFilterResult")
+ if empty_response:
+ assert response.edges == []
+ assert response.count == 0
+ else:
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(artists)
+ assert response.count == len(artists)
+ "filter",
+ [
+ {"include": {}},
+ {"exclude": {}},
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "include",
+ "exclude",
+ ],
+async def test_filter_handles_empty_field(query_string_filter, gen_artist, filter):
+ artists = await DB.add_all(*gen_artist)
+ response = Response(await query_string_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ArtistFilterResult")
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(artists)
+ assert response.count == len(artists)
+ "filter,ids",
+ [
+ (
+ {"include": {"artists": {"any": 1}}},
+ [1, 3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"artists": {"all": 1}}},
+ [1, 3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"artists": {"any": [1, 4]}}},
+ [1, 3, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"artists": {"all": [1, 4]}}},
+ [3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"artists": {"any": 1}}},
+ [2, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"artists": {"all": 1}}},
+ [2, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"artists": {"any": [1, 4]}}},
+ [2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"artists": {"all": [1, 4]}}},
+ [1, 2, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {
+ "include": {"artists": {"any": [1]}},
+ "exclude": {"artists": {"all": [4]}},
+ },
+ [1],
+ ),
+ (
+ {
+ "include": {"artists": {"any": [1, 4]}},
+ "exclude": {"artists": {"all": [1, 4]}},
+ },
+ [1, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {
+ "include": {"artists": {"any": [1, 4], "all": [1, 2]}},
+ },
+ [1],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "includes any (single)",
+ "includes all (single)",
+ "includes any (list)",
+ "includes all (list)",
+ "excludes any (single)",
+ "excludes all (single)",
+ "excludes any (list)",
+ "excludes all (list)",
+ "includes and excludes (single)",
+ "includes and excludes (list)",
+ "includes any and all",
+ ],
+async def test_assoc_filter(query_comic_filter, gen_comic, filter, ids):
+ await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert id_list(response.edges) == ids
+ "filter,empty_response",
+ [
+ ({"include": {"artists": {"any": []}}}, True),
+ ({"include": {"artists": {"all": []}}}, True),
+ ({"include": {"artists": {}}}, False),
+ ({"exclude": {"artists": {"any": []}}}, False),
+ ({"exclude": {"artists": {"all": []}}}, False),
+ ({"exclude": {"artists": {}}}, False),
+ ({"include": {"tags": {"any": ""}}}, True),
+ ({"include": {"tags": {"any": ":"}}}, True),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "list (include any)",
+ "list (include all)",
+ "field (include)",
+ "list (exclude any)",
+ "list (exclude all)",
+ "field (exclude)",
+ "string (tags)",
+ "specifier (tags)",
+ ],
+async def test_assoc_filter_handles_empty(
+ query_comic_filter, gen_comic, filter, empty_response
+ comics = await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ if empty_response:
+ assert response.edges == []
+ assert response.count == 0
+ else:
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(comics)
+ assert response.count == len(comics)
+ "filter,ids",
+ [
+ (
+ {"include": {"tags": {"any": "1:"}}},
+ [1, 2, 3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"tags": {"any": ":2"}}},
+ [1, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"tags": {"exact": ["1:3", "2:1"]}}},
+ [2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"tags": {"exact": ["1:"]}}},
+ [3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"tags": {"exact": [":4"]}}},
+ [3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"tags": {"all": ["1:4", "1:1"]}}},
+ [2, 3, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"tags": {"exact": ["2:1", "2:2", "2:3"]}}},
+ [1, 2, 3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"tags": {"exact": ["1:"]}}},
+ [1, 2, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"tags": {"exact": [":4"]}}},
+ [1, 2, 4],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "includes any namespace",
+ "includes any tag",
+ "includes exact tags",
+ "includes exact namespace",
+ "includes exact tag",
+ "excludes all tags",
+ "includes exact tags",
+ "includes exact namespace",
+ "includes exact tag",
+ ],
+async def test_assoc_tag_filter(query_comic_filter, gen_comic, filter, ids):
+ await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert id_list(response.edges) == ids
+ "filter,ids",
+ [
+ (
+ {"include": {"favourite": True}},
+ [1],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"rating": {"any": "EXPLICIT"}}},
+ [3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"category": {"any": "MANGA"}}},
+ [1, 2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"censorship": {"any": "MOSAIC"}}},
+ [3],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"favourite": True}},
+ [2, 3, 4],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"rating": {"any": ["EXPLICIT", "QUESTIONABLE"]}}},
+ [1, 4],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "includes favourite",
+ "includes rating",
+ "includes category",
+ "includes censorship",
+ "excludes favourite",
+ "excludes ratings",
+ ],
+async def test_field_filter(query_comic_filter, gen_comic, filter, ids):
+ await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert id_list(response.edges) == ids
+ "filter,ids",
+ [
+ (
+ {"include": {"rating": {"empty": True}}},
+ [100],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"rating": {"empty": False}}},
+ [1, 2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"rating": {"empty": True}}},
+ [1, 2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"rating": {"empty": False}}},
+ [100],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "includes rating empty",
+ "includes rating not empty",
+ "excludes rating empty",
+ "excludes rating not empty",
+ ],
+async def test_field_presence(query_comic_filter, gen_comic, empty_comic, filter, ids):
+ await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ await DB.add(empty_comic)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert id_list(response.edges) == ids
+ "filter,ids",
+ [
+ (
+ {"include": {"artists": {"empty": True}}},
+ [100],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"artists": {"empty": False}}},
+ [1, 2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"artists": {"empty": True}}},
+ [1, 2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"artists": {"empty": False}}},
+ [100],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"tags": {"empty": True}}},
+ [100],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"tags": {"empty": False}}},
+ [1, 2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"tags": {"empty": True}}},
+ [1, 2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"tags": {"empty": False}}},
+ [100],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "includes artist empty",
+ "includes artist not empty",
+ "excludes artist empty",
+ "excludes artist not empty",
+ "includes tags empty",
+ "includes tags not empty",
+ "excludes tags empty",
+ "excludes tags not empty",
+ ],
+async def test_assoc_presence(query_comic_filter, gen_comic, empty_comic, filter, ids):
+ await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ await DB.add(empty_comic)
+ response = Response(await query_comic_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert id_list(response.edges) == ids
+ "filter,ids",
+ [
+ (
+ {"include": {"namespaces": {"any": 1}}},
+ [1, 2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"namespaces": {"all": [1, 2]}}},
+ [2],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"include": {"namespaces": {"exact": [1]}}},
+ [1],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"namespaces": {"any": 2}}},
+ [1],
+ ),
+ (
+ {"exclude": {"namespaces": {"exact": [1]}}},
+ [2],
+ ),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "includes any namespace",
+ "includes all namespace",
+ "includes exact namespaces",
+ "excludes any namespace",
+ "excludes exact namespaces",
+ ],
+async def test_tag_assoc_filter(query_tag_filter, gen_namespace, gen_tag, filter, ids):
+ foo = await DB.add(Namespace(id=1, name="foo"))
+ bar = await DB.add(Namespace(id=2, name="bar"))
+ await DB.add(Tag(id=1, name="small", namespaces=[foo]))
+ await DB.add(Tag(id=2, name="large", namespaces=[foo, bar]))
+ response = Response(await query_tag_filter(filter))
+ response.assert_is("TagFilterResult")
+ assert id_list(response.edges) == ids
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8c26b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB
+from hircine.api.types import Image
+async def test_image(gen_image):
+ images = await DB.add_all(*gen_image)
+ for db_image in images:
+ image = Image(db_image)
+ assert ==
+ assert image.hash == db_image.hash
+ assert image.width == db_image.width
+ assert image.height == db_image.height
+ assert image.aspect_ratio == db_image.width / db_image.height
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..450075b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from datetime import timezone
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Namespace
+def query_namespace(execute_id):
+ query = """
+ query namespace($id: Int!) {
+ namespace(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Namespace {
+ id
+ name
+ sortName
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_id(query)
+def query_namespaces(execute):
+ query = """
+ query namespaces {
+ namespaces {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute(query)
+def add_namespace(execute_add):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation addNamespace($input: AddNamespaceInput!) {
+ addNamespace(input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on AddSuccess {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_add(mutation)
+def update_namespaces(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation updateNamespaces($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpdateNamespaceInput!) {
+ updateNamespaces(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def delete_namespaces(execute_delete):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation deleteNamespaces($ids: [Int!]!) {
+ deleteNamespaces(ids: $ids) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_delete(mutation)
+async def test_query_namespace(query_namespace, gen_namespace):
+ namespace = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ response = Response(await query_namespace(
+ response.assert_is("Namespace")
+ assert ==
+ assert ==
+ assert response.sortName == namespace.sort_name
+async def test_query_namespace_fails_not_found(query_namespace):
+ response = Response(await query_namespace(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Namespace ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_query_namespaces(query_namespaces, gen_namespace):
+ namespaces = await DB.add_all(*gen_namespace)
+ response = Response(await query_namespaces())
+ response.assert_is("NamespaceFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == len(namespaces)
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(namespaces)
+ edges = iter(response.edges)
+ for namespace in sorted(namespaces, key=lambda a:
+ edge = next(edges)
+ assert edge["id"] ==
+ assert edge["name"] ==
+async def test_add_namespace(add_namespace):
+ response = Response(await add_namespace({"name": "added", "sortName": "foo"}))
+ response.assert_is("AddSuccess")
+ namespace = await DB.get(Namespace,
+ assert namespace is not None
+ assert == "added"
+ assert namespace.sort_name == "foo"
+async def test_add_namespace_fails_empty_parameter(add_namespace):
+ response = Response(await add_namespace({"name": ""}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_add_namespace_fails_exists(add_namespace, gen_namespace):
+ namespace = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ response = Response(await add_namespace({"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Namespace with this name exists"
+async def test_delete_namespace(delete_namespaces, gen_namespace):
+ namespace = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ id =
+ response = Response(await delete_namespaces(id))
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ namespace = await DB.get(Namespace, id)
+ assert namespace is None
+async def test_delete_namespace_not_found(delete_namespaces):
+ response = Response(await delete_namespaces(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Namespace ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_namespace(update_namespaces, gen_namespace):
+ namespace = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ input = {"name": "updated", "sortName": "foo"}
+ response = Response(await update_namespaces(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ namespace = await DB.get(Namespace,
+ assert namespace is not None
+ assert == "updated"
+ assert namespace.sort_name == "foo"
+async def test_update_namespace_fails_exists(update_namespaces, gen_namespace):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ response = Response(await update_namespaces(, {"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Namespace with this name exists"
+async def test_update_namespace_fails_not_found(update_namespaces):
+ response = Response(await update_namespaces(1, {"name": "updated"}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Namespace ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_namespaces_cannot_bulk_edit_name(
+ update_namespaces, gen_namespace
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ response = Response(
+ await update_namespaces([,], {"name": "unique"})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ "empty",
+ [
+ None,
+ "",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "none",
+ "empty string",
+ ],
+async def test_update_namespace_fails_empty_parameter(
+ update_namespaces, gen_namespace, empty
+ namespace = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ response = Response(await update_namespaces(, {"name": empty}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_update_namespace_changes_updated_at(update_namespaces):
+ original_namespace = Namespace(name="namespace")
+ original_namespace.updated_at = dt(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ original_namespace = await DB.add(original_namespace)
+ response = Response(
+ await update_namespaces(, {"name": "updated"})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ namespace = await DB.get(Namespace,
+ assert namespace.updated_at > original_namespace.updated_at
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..debd69a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB
+from hircine.api.types import Page
+from hircine.db.models import Archive
+async def test_page(gen_page):
+ pages = list(gen_page)
+ images = [p.image for p in pages]
+ # persist images and pages in database by binding them to a throwaway
+ # archive
+ archive = await DB.add(
+ Archive(
+ hash="339e3a32e5648fdeb2597f05cb2e1ef6",
+ path="some/",
+ size=78631597,
+ mtime=datetime(1999, 12, 27, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
+ cover=images[0],
+ pages=pages,
+ page_count=len(pages),
+ )
+ )
+ assert len(archive.pages) == len(pages)
+ page_iter = iter(pages)
+ image_iter = iter(images)
+ for page in [Page(p) for p in archive.pages]:
+ matching_page = next(page_iter)
+ matching_image = next(image_iter)
+ assert ==
+ assert page.comic_id is None
+ assert ==
+ assert page.path == matching_page.path
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67854c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+def query_pagination(schema_execute):
+ query = """
+ query artists($pagination: Pagination) {
+ artists(pagination: $pagination) {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ async def _execute(pagination=None):
+ return await schema_execute(
+ query, {"pagination": pagination} if pagination else None
+ )
+ return _execute
+ "pagination,count,length",
+ [
+ (None, 4, 4),
+ ({"items": 3, "page": 1}, 4, 3),
+ ({"items": 3, "page": 2}, 4, 1),
+ ({"items": 3, "page": 3}, 0, 0),
+ ({"items": 10, "page": 1}, 4, 4),
+ ({"items": 0, "page": 1}, 0, 0),
+ ({"items": 2, "page": 0}, 0, 0),
+ ({"items": -1, "page": 0}, 0, 0),
+ ({"items": 0, "page": -1}, 0, 0),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "is missing and lists all",
+ "lists first page",
+ "lists last page",
+ "lists none (no more items)",
+ "lists all",
+ "lists none (zero items)",
+ "lists none (page zero)",
+ "lists none (negative items)",
+ "lists none (negative page)",
+ ],
+async def test_pagination(query_pagination, gen_artist, pagination, count, length):
+ await DB.add_all(*gen_artist)
+ response = Response(await query_pagination(pagination))
+ response.assert_is("ArtistFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == count
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == length
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1edd74f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+import hircine.enums as enums
+import hircine.plugins
+import hircine.scraper.types as scraped
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.scraper import ScrapeError, Scraper, ScrapeWarning
+def query_comic_scrapers(schema_execute):
+ query = """
+ query comicScrapers($id: Int!) {
+ comicScrapers(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ async def _execute(id):
+ return await schema_execute(query, {"id": id})
+ return _execute
+def query_scrape_comic(schema_execute):
+ query = """
+ query scrapeComic($id: Int!, $scraper: String!) {
+ scrapeComic(id: $id, scraper: $scraper) {
+ __typename
+ ... on ScrapeComicResult {
+ data {
+ title
+ originalTitle
+ url
+ artists
+ category
+ censorship
+ characters
+ circles
+ date
+ direction
+ language
+ layout
+ rating
+ tags
+ worlds
+ }
+ warnings
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on ScraperNotFoundError {
+ name
+ }
+ ... on ScraperNotAvailableError {
+ scraper
+ comicId
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ async def _execute(id, scraper):
+ return await schema_execute(query, {"id": id, "scraper": scraper})
+ return _execute
+def scrapers(empty_plugins):
+ class GoodScraper(Scraper):
+ name = "Good Scraper"
+ is_available = True
+ source = "good"
+ def scrape(self):
+ yield scraped.Title("Arid Savannah Adventures")
+ yield scraped.OriginalTitle("Arid Savannah Hijinx")
+ yield scraped.URL("file:///home/savannah/adventures")
+ yield scraped.Language(enums.Language.EN)
+ yield scraped.Date.from_iso("2010-07-05")
+ yield scraped.Direction(enums.Direction["LEFT_TO_RIGHT"])
+ yield scraped.Layout(enums.Layout.SINGLE)
+ yield scraped.Rating(enums.Rating.SAFE)
+ yield scraped.Category(enums.Category.MANGA)
+ yield scraped.Censorship(enums.Censorship.NONE)
+ yield scraped.Tag.from_string("animal:small")
+ yield scraped.Tag.from_string("animal:medium")
+ yield scraped.Tag.from_string("animal:big")
+ yield scraped.Tag.from_string("animal:massive")
+ yield scraped.Artist("alan smithee")
+ yield scraped.Artist("david agnew")
+ yield scraped.Character("greta giraffe")
+ yield scraped.Character("bob bear")
+ yield scraped.Character("rico rhinoceros")
+ yield scraped.Character("ziggy zebra")
+ yield scraped.Circle("archimedes")
+ yield scraped.World("animal friends")
+ class DuplicateScraper(Scraper):
+ name = "Duplicate Scraper"
+ is_available = True
+ source = "dupe"
+ def gen(self):
+ yield scraped.Title("Arid Savannah Adventures")
+ yield scraped.OriginalTitle("Arid Savannah Hijinx")
+ yield scraped.URL("file:///home/savannah/adventures")
+ yield scraped.Language(enums.Language.EN)
+ yield scraped.Date.from_iso("2010-07-05")
+ yield scraped.Direction(enums.Direction["LEFT_TO_RIGHT"])
+ yield scraped.Layout(enums.Layout.SINGLE)
+ yield scraped.Rating(enums.Rating.SAFE)
+ yield scraped.Category(enums.Category.MANGA)
+ yield scraped.Censorship(enums.Censorship.NONE)
+ yield scraped.Tag.from_string("animal:small")
+ yield scraped.Tag.from_string("animal:medium")
+ yield scraped.Tag.from_string("animal:big")
+ yield scraped.Tag.from_string("animal:massive")
+ yield scraped.Artist("alan smithee")
+ yield scraped.Artist("david agnew")
+ yield scraped.Character("greta giraffe")
+ yield scraped.Character("bob bear")
+ yield scraped.Character("rico rhinoceros")
+ yield scraped.Character("ziggy zebra")
+ yield scraped.Circle("archimedes")
+ yield scraped.World("animal friends")
+ def scrape(self):
+ yield from self.gen()
+ yield from self.gen()
+ class WarnScraper(Scraper):
+ name = "Warn Scraper"
+ is_available = True
+ source = "warn"
+ def warn_on_purpose(self, item):
+ raise ScrapeWarning(f"Could not parse: {item}")
+ def scrape(self):
+ yield scraped.Title("Arid Savannah Adventures")
+ yield lambda: self.warn_on_purpose("Arid Savannah Hijinx")
+ yield scraped.Language(enums.Language.EN)
+ class FailScraper(Scraper):
+ name = "Fail Scraper"
+ is_available = True
+ source = "fail"
+ def scrape(self):
+ yield scraped.Title("Arid Savannah Adventures")
+ raise ScrapeError("Could not continue")
+ yield scraped.Language(enums.Language.EN)
+ class UnavailableScraper(Scraper):
+ name = "Unavailable Scraper"
+ is_available = False
+ source = "unavail"
+ def scrape(self):
+ yield None
+ hircine.plugins.register_scraper("good", GoodScraper)
+ hircine.plugins.register_scraper("dupe", DuplicateScraper)
+ hircine.plugins.register_scraper("warn", WarnScraper)
+ hircine.plugins.register_scraper("fail", FailScraper)
+ hircine.plugins.register_scraper("unavail", UnavailableScraper)
+ return [
+ ("good", GoodScraper),
+ ("dupe", DuplicateScraper),
+ ("warn", WarnScraper),
+ ("fail", FailScraper),
+ ("unavail", UnavailableScraper),
+ ]
+async def test_comic_scrapers(gen_comic, query_comic_scrapers, scrapers):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_comic_scrapers(
+ assert isinstance((, list)
+ available_scrapers = []
+ for name, cls in sorted(scrapers, key=lambda s: s[1].name):
+ instance = cls(comic)
+ if instance.is_available:
+ available_scrapers.append((name, cls))
+ assert len( == len(available_scrapers)
+ data = iter(
+ for id, scraper in available_scrapers:
+ field = next(data)
+ assert field["__typename"] == "ComicScraper"
+ assert field["id"] == id
+ assert field["name"] ==
+async def test_comic_empty_for_missing_comic(gen_comic, query_comic_scrapers, scrapers):
+ response = Response(await query_comic_scrapers(1))
+ assert == []
+async def test_scrape_comic(gen_comic, query_scrape_comic, scrapers):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_scrape_comic(, "good"))
+ response.assert_is("ScrapeComicResult")
+ assert response.warnings == []
+ scraped_comic =["data"]
+ assert scraped_comic["title"] == "Arid Savannah Adventures"
+ assert scraped_comic["originalTitle"] == "Arid Savannah Hijinx"
+ assert scraped_comic["url"] == "file:///home/savannah/adventures"
+ assert scraped_comic["language"] == "EN"
+ assert scraped_comic["date"] == "2010-07-05"
+ assert scraped_comic["rating"] == "SAFE"
+ assert scraped_comic["category"] == "MANGA"
+ assert scraped_comic["direction"] == "LEFT_TO_RIGHT"
+ assert scraped_comic["layout"] == "SINGLE"
+ assert scraped_comic["tags"] == [
+ "animal:small",
+ "animal:medium",
+ "animal:big",
+ "animal:massive",
+ ]
+ assert scraped_comic["artists"] == ["alan smithee", "david agnew"]
+ assert scraped_comic["characters"] == [
+ "greta giraffe",
+ "bob bear",
+ "rico rhinoceros",
+ "ziggy zebra",
+ ]
+ assert scraped_comic["circles"] == ["archimedes"]
+ assert scraped_comic["worlds"] == ["animal friends"]
+async def test_scrape_comic_removes_duplicates(gen_comic, query_scrape_comic, scrapers):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_scrape_comic(, "dupe"))
+ response.assert_is("ScrapeComicResult")
+ assert response.warnings == []
+ scraped_comic =["data"]
+ assert scraped_comic["title"] == "Arid Savannah Adventures"
+ assert scraped_comic["originalTitle"] == "Arid Savannah Hijinx"
+ assert scraped_comic["url"] == "file:///home/savannah/adventures"
+ assert scraped_comic["language"] == "EN"
+ assert scraped_comic["date"] == "2010-07-05"
+ assert scraped_comic["rating"] == "SAFE"
+ assert scraped_comic["category"] == "MANGA"
+ assert scraped_comic["direction"] == "LEFT_TO_RIGHT"
+ assert scraped_comic["layout"] == "SINGLE"
+ assert scraped_comic["tags"] == [
+ "animal:small",
+ "animal:medium",
+ "animal:big",
+ "animal:massive",
+ ]
+ assert scraped_comic["artists"] == ["alan smithee", "david agnew"]
+ assert scraped_comic["characters"] == [
+ "greta giraffe",
+ "bob bear",
+ "rico rhinoceros",
+ "ziggy zebra",
+ ]
+ assert scraped_comic["circles"] == ["archimedes"]
+ assert scraped_comic["worlds"] == ["animal friends"]
+async def test_scrape_comic_fails_comic_not_found(query_scrape_comic, scrapers):
+ response = Response(await query_scrape_comic(1, "good"))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Comic ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_scrape_comic_fails_scraper_not_found(
+ gen_comic, query_scrape_comic, scrapers
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_scrape_comic(, "missing"))
+ response.assert_is("ScraperNotFoundError")
+ assert == "missing"
+ assert response.message == "Scraper not found: 'missing'"
+async def test_scrape_comic_fails_scraper_not_available(
+ gen_comic, query_scrape_comic, scrapers
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_scrape_comic(, "unavail"))
+ response.assert_is("ScraperNotAvailableError")
+ assert response.scraper == "unavail"
+ assert response.comicId ==
+ assert response.message == f"Scraper unavail not available for comic ID {}"
+async def test_scrape_comic_with_transformer(gen_comic, query_scrape_comic, scrapers):
+ def keep(generator, info):
+ for item in generator:
+ match item:
+ case scraped.Title():
+ yield item
+ hircine.plugins.transformers = [keep]
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_scrape_comic(, "good"))
+ response.assert_is("ScrapeComicResult")
+ assert response.warnings == []
+ scraped_comic =["data"]
+ assert scraped_comic["title"] == "Arid Savannah Adventures"
+ assert scraped_comic["originalTitle"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["url"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["language"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["date"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["rating"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["category"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["censorship"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["direction"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["layout"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["tags"] == []
+ assert scraped_comic["artists"] == []
+ assert scraped_comic["characters"] == []
+ assert scraped_comic["circles"] == []
+ assert scraped_comic["worlds"] == []
+async def test_scrape_comic_catches_warnings(gen_comic, query_scrape_comic, scrapers):
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_scrape_comic(, "warn"))
+ response.assert_is("ScrapeComicResult")
+ assert response.warnings == ["Could not parse: Arid Savannah Hijinx"]
+ scraped_comic =["data"]
+ assert scraped_comic["title"] == "Arid Savannah Adventures"
+ assert scraped_comic["originalTitle"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["language"] == "EN"
+ assert scraped_comic["date"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["rating"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["category"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["direction"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["layout"] is None
+ assert scraped_comic["tags"] == []
+ assert scraped_comic["artists"] == []
+ assert scraped_comic["characters"] == []
+ assert scraped_comic["circles"] == []
+ assert scraped_comic["worlds"] == []
+async def test_scrape_comic_fails_with_scraper_error(
+ gen_comic, query_scrape_comic, scrapers
+ comic = await DB.add(next(gen_comic))
+ response = Response(await query_scrape_comic(, "fail"))
+ response.assert_is("ScraperError")
+ assert response.message == "Scraping failed: Could not continue"
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3c8562
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Namespace
+def query_comic_sort(execute_sort):
+ query = """
+ query comics($sort: ComicSortInput) {
+ comics(sort: $sort) {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ title
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_sort(query)
+def query_namespace_sort(execute_sort):
+ query = """
+ query namespaces($sort: NamespaceSortInput) {
+ namespaces(sort: $sort) {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_sort(query)
+ "sort,reverse",
+ [
+ ({"on": "DATE"}, False),
+ ({"on": "DATE", "direction": "DESCENDING"}, True),
+ ({"on": "DATE", "direction": "ASCENDING"}, False),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "ascending (default)",
+ "descending",
+ "ascending",
+ ],
+async def test_query_comics_sort_date(gen_comic, query_comic_sort, sort, reverse):
+ comics = await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ ids = [ for c in sorted(comics, key=lambda c:, reverse=reverse)]
+ response = Response(await query_comic_sort(sort))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert ids == [edge["id"] for edge in response.edges]
+ "sort,reverse",
+ [
+ ({"on": "TAG_COUNT"}, False),
+ ({"on": "TAG_COUNT", "direction": "DESCENDING"}, True),
+ ({"on": "TAG_COUNT", "direction": "ASCENDING"}, False),
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "ascending (default)",
+ "descending",
+ "ascending",
+ ],
+async def test_query_comics_sort_tag_count(gen_comic, query_comic_sort, sort, reverse):
+ comics = await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ ids = [ for c in sorted(comics, key=lambda c: len(c.tags), reverse=reverse)]
+ response = Response(await query_comic_sort(sort))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert ids == [edge["id"] for edge in response.edges]
+async def test_query_comics_sort_random(gen_comic, query_comic_sort):
+ comics = await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ ids = set([ for c in comics])
+ response = Response(await query_comic_sort({"on": "RANDOM"}))
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ assert ids == set(edge["id"] for edge in response.edges)
+async def test_query_comics_sort_random_seed_direction(gen_comic, query_comic_sort):
+ comics = await DB.add_all(*gen_comic)
+ ids = set([ for c in comics])
+ response = Response(
+ await query_comic_sort(
+ {"on": "RANDOM", "seed": 42069, "direction": "ASCENDING"}
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ ascending_ids = [edge["id"] for edge in response.edges]
+ assert ids == set(ascending_ids)
+ response = Response(
+ await query_comic_sort(
+ {"on": "RANDOM", "seed": 42069, "direction": "DESCENDING"}
+ )
+ )
+ response.assert_is("ComicFilterResult")
+ descending_ids = [edge["id"] for edge in response.edges]
+ assert ascending_ids == descending_ids[::-1]
+async def test_query_namespace_sort_sort_name(query_namespace_sort):
+ await DB.add(Namespace(name="one", sort_name="2"))
+ await DB.add(Namespace(name="two", sort_name="1"))
+ response = Response(await query_namespace_sort({"on": "SORT_NAME"}))
+ response.assert_is("NamespaceFilterResult")
+ assert ["two", "one"] == [edge["name"] for edge in response.edges]
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c863a00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from datetime import timezone
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import Namespace, Tag
+def query_tag(execute_id):
+ query = """
+ query tag($id: Int!) {
+ tag(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ ... on FullTag {
+ id
+ name
+ description
+ namespaces {
+ __typename
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_id(query)
+def query_tags(execute):
+ query = """
+ query tags {
+ tags {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ description
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute(query)
+def add_tag(execute_add):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation addTag($input: AddTagInput!) {
+ addTag(input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on AddSuccess {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_add(mutation)
+def update_tags(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation updateTags($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpdateTagInput!) {
+ updateTags(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def delete_tags(execute_delete):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation deleteTags($ids: [Int!]!) {
+ deleteTags(ids: $ids) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_delete(mutation)
+async def test_query_tag(query_tag, gen_tag):
+ tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ response = Response(await query_tag(
+ response.assert_is("FullTag")
+ assert ==
+ assert ==
+ assert response.description == tag.description
+ assert set([n["id"] for n in response.namespaces]) == set(
+ [ for n in tag.namespaces]
+ )
+async def test_query_tag_fails_not_found(query_tag):
+ response = Response(await query_tag(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Tag ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_query_tags(query_tags, gen_tag):
+ tags = await DB.add_all(*gen_tag)
+ response = Response(await query_tags())
+ response.assert_is("TagFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == len(tags)
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(tags)
+ edges = iter(response.edges)
+ for tag in sorted(tags, key=lambda a:
+ edge = next(edges)
+ assert edge["id"] ==
+ assert edge["name"] ==
+ assert edge["description"] == tag.description
+async def test_add_tag(add_tag):
+ response = Response(
+ await add_tag({"name": "added", "description": "it's been added!"})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("AddSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,
+ assert tag is not None
+ assert == "added"
+ assert tag.description == "it's been added!"
+async def test_add_tag_with_namespace(add_tag):
+ namespace = await DB.add(Namespace(id=1, name="new"))
+ response = Response(await add_tag({"name": "added", "namespaces": {"ids": [1]}}))
+ response.assert_is("AddSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,, full=True)
+ assert tag is not None
+ assert == "added"
+ assert tag.namespaces[0].id ==
+ assert tag.namespaces[0].name ==
+async def test_add_tag_fails_empty_parameter(add_tag):
+ response = Response(await add_tag({"name": ""}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_add_tag_fails_namespace_not_found(add_tag):
+ response = Response(await add_tag({"name": "added", "namespaces": {"ids": [1]}}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Namespace ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_add_tag_fails_exists(add_tag, gen_tag):
+ tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ response = Response(await add_tag({"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Tag with this name exists"
+async def test_delete_tag(delete_tags, gen_tag):
+ tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ id =
+ response = Response(await delete_tags(id))
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag, id)
+ assert tag is None
+async def test_delete_tag_not_found(delete_tags):
+ response = Response(await delete_tags(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Tag ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_tag(update_tags, gen_tag, gen_namespace):
+ tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ namespace = await DB.add(next(gen_namespace))
+ input = {
+ "name": "updated",
+ "description": "how different, how unique",
+ "namespaces": {"ids": [1]},
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,, full=True)
+ assert tag is not None
+ assert == "updated"
+ assert tag.description == "how different, how unique"
+ assert tag.namespaces[0].id ==
+ assert tag.namespaces[0].name ==
+ "empty",
+ [
+ None,
+ "",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "with None",
+ "with empty string",
+ ],
+async def test_update_tag_clears_description(update_tags, gen_tag, empty):
+ tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ input = {
+ "description": empty,
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,
+ assert tag is not None
+ assert tag.description is None
+async def test_update_tag_fails_exists(update_tags, gen_tag):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, {"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another Tag with this name exists"
+async def test_update_tag_fails_not_found(update_tags):
+ response = Response(await update_tags(1, {"name": "updated"}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Tag ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_tags_cannot_bulk_edit_name(update_tags, gen_tag):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ response = Response(await update_tags([,], {"name": "unique"}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ "empty",
+ [
+ None,
+ "",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "none",
+ "empty string",
+ ],
+async def test_update_tag_fails_empty_parameter(update_tags, gen_tag, empty):
+ tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, {"name": empty}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_update_tag_fails_namespace_not_found(update_tags, gen_tag):
+ tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, {"namespaces": {"ids": [1]}}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "Namespace ID not found: '1'"
+ "options",
+ [
+ None,
+ {},
+ {"mode": "REPLACE"},
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "by default (none)",
+ "by default (empty record)",
+ "when defined explicitly",
+ ],
+async def test_update_tag_replaces_assocs(update_tags, gen_tag, options):
+ original_tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ new_namespace = await DB.add(Namespace(name="new"))
+ input = {
+ "namespaces": {"ids": []},
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,, full=True)
+ assert set([ for o in tag.namespaces]) == set([ for o in [new_namespace]])
+async def test_update_tag_adds_assocs(update_tags, gen_tag):
+ original_tag = await DB.add(next(gen_tag))
+ new_namespace = await DB.add(Namespace(name="new"))
+ added_namespaces = original_tag.namespaces + [new_namespace]
+ input = {
+ "namespaces": {"ids": [], "options": {"mode": "ADD"}},
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,, full=True)
+ assert set([ for o in tag.namespaces]) == set([ for o in added_namespaces])
+async def test_update_tag_removes_assocs(update_tags):
+ removed_namespace = Namespace(id=1, name="new")
+ remaining_namespace = Namespace(id=2, name="newtwo")
+ original_tag = await DB.add(
+ Tag(id=1, name="tag", namespaces=[removed_namespace, remaining_namespace])
+ )
+ input = {
+ "namespaces": {"ids": [], "options": {"mode": "REMOVE"}},
+ }
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,, full=True)
+ assert set([ for o in tag.namespaces]) == set([])
+async def test_update_tag_changes_updated_at(update_tags):
+ original_tag = Tag(name="tag")
+ original_tag.updated_at = dt(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ original_tag = await DB.add(original_tag)
+ response = Response(await update_tags(, {"name": "updated"}))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,
+ assert tag.updated_at > original_tag.updated_at
+async def test_update_tag_assoc_changes_updated_at(update_tags):
+ original_tag = Tag(name="tag")
+ original_tag.updated_at = dt(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ original_tag = await DB.add(original_tag)
+ await DB.add(Namespace(id=1, name="namespace"))
+ response = Response(
+ await update_tags(, {"namespaces": {"ids": [1]}})
+ )
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ tag = await DB.get(Tag,
+ assert tag.updated_at > original_tag.updated_at
diff --git a/tests/api/ b/tests/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3926d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+from datetime import datetime as dt
+from datetime import timezone
+import pytest
+from conftest import DB, Response
+from hircine.db.models import World
+def query_world(execute_id):
+ query = """
+ query world($id: Int!) {
+ world(id: $id) {
+ __typename
+ ... on World {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_id(query)
+def query_worlds(execute):
+ query = """
+ query worlds {
+ worlds {
+ __typename
+ count
+ edges {
+ id
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute(query)
+def add_world(execute_add):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation addWorld($input: AddWorldInput!) {
+ addWorld(input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on AddSuccess {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_add(mutation)
+def update_worlds(execute_update):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation updateWorlds($ids: [Int!]!, $input: UpdateWorldInput!) {
+ updateWorlds(ids: $ids, input: $input) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ ... on InvalidParameterError {
+ parameter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ return execute_update(mutation)
+def delete_worlds(execute_delete):
+ mutation = """
+ mutation deleteWorlds($ids: [Int!]!) {
+ deleteWorlds(ids: $ids) {
+ __typename
+ ... on Success {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on Error {
+ message
+ }
+ ... on IDNotFoundError {
+ id
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ return execute_delete(mutation)
+async def test_query_world(query_world, gen_world):
+ world = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ response = Response(await query_world(
+ response.assert_is("World")
+ assert ==
+ assert ==
+async def test_query_world_fails_not_found(query_world):
+ response = Response(await query_world(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "World ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_query_worlds(query_worlds, gen_world):
+ worlds = await DB.add_all(*gen_world)
+ response = Response(await query_worlds())
+ response.assert_is("WorldFilterResult")
+ assert response.count == len(worlds)
+ assert isinstance((response.edges), list)
+ assert len(response.edges) == len(worlds)
+ edges = iter(response.edges)
+ for world in sorted(worlds, key=lambda a:
+ edge = next(edges)
+ assert edge["id"] ==
+ assert edge["name"] ==
+async def test_add_world(add_world):
+ response = Response(await add_world({"name": "added world"}))
+ response.assert_is("AddSuccess")
+ world = await DB.get(World,
+ assert world is not None
+ assert == "added world"
+async def test_add_world_fails_empty_parameter(add_world):
+ response = Response(await add_world({"name": ""}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_add_world_fails_exists(add_world, gen_world):
+ world = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ response = Response(await add_world({"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another World with this name exists"
+async def test_delete_world(delete_worlds, gen_world):
+ world = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ id =
+ response = Response(await delete_worlds(id))
+ response.assert_is("DeleteSuccess")
+ world = await DB.get(World, id)
+ assert world is None
+async def test_delete_world_not_found(delete_worlds):
+ response = Response(await delete_worlds(1))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "World ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_world(update_worlds, gen_world):
+ world = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ input = {"name": "updated world"}
+ response = Response(await update_worlds(, input))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ world = await DB.get(World,
+ assert world is not None
+ assert == "updated world"
+async def test_update_world_fails_exists(update_worlds, gen_world):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ response = Response(await update_worlds(, {"name":}))
+ response.assert_is("NameExistsError")
+ assert response.message == "Another World with this name exists"
+async def test_update_world_fails_not_found(update_worlds):
+ response = Response(await update_worlds(1, {"name": "updated world"}))
+ response.assert_is("IDNotFoundError")
+ assert == 1
+ assert response.message == "World ID not found: '1'"
+async def test_update_worlds_cannot_bulk_edit_name(update_worlds, gen_world):
+ first = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ second = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ response = Response(await update_worlds([,], {"name": "unique"}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ "empty",
+ [
+ None,
+ "",
+ ],
+ ids=[
+ "none",
+ "empty string",
+ ],
+async def test_update_world_fails_empty_parameter(update_worlds, gen_world, empty):
+ world = await DB.add(next(gen_world))
+ response = Response(await update_worlds(, {"name": empty}))
+ response.assert_is("InvalidParameterError")
+ assert response.parameter == "name"
+ assert response.message == "Invalid parameter 'name': cannot be empty"
+async def test_update_world_changes_updated_at(update_worlds):
+ original_world = World(name="world")
+ original_world.updated_at = dt(2023, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
+ original_world = await DB.add(original_world)
+ response = Response(await update_worlds(, {"name": "updated"}))
+ response.assert_is("UpdateSuccess")
+ world = await DB.get(World,
+ assert world.updated_at > original_world.updated_at