path: root/frontend/src/lib/forms
diff options
authorWolfgang Müller2025-02-13 17:52:16 +0100
committerWolfgang Müller2025-02-13 17:52:16 +0100
commitdc4db405d2991d3ec6a114f3b08d3fccd057d3ee (patch)
tree2c620c9af2062ba09fa591f8b3ed961664adab58 /frontend/src/lib/forms
parent4df870d793123be95c8af031a340a39b5b8402ac (diff)
frontend: Migrate to Svelte 5
Diffstat (limited to 'frontend/src/lib/forms')
7 files changed, 216 insertions, 183 deletions
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/forms/ArtistForm.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/forms/ArtistForm.svelte
index 7df5e8b..663c3ae 100644
--- a/frontend/src/lib/forms/ArtistForm.svelte
+++ b/frontend/src/lib/forms/ArtistForm.svelte
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
<script lang="ts">
- import { type ArtistInput } from '$gql/Mutations';
- import { type OmitIdentifiers } from '$gql/Utils';
- import { type Artist } from '$gql/graphql';
- import Labelled from '$lib/components/Labelled.svelte';
- import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
+ import type { AddArtistInput, Artist } from '$gql/graphql';
+ import SubmitButton from '$lib/components/SubmitButton.svelte';
+ import { itemPending, type FormProps } from '$lib/Form';
- const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ submit: ArtistInput }>();
+ let { initial, submit, children }: FormProps<Artist, AddArtistInput> = $props();
- export let artist: OmitIdentifiers<Artist>;
+ let input = $state(initial);
+ let pending = $derived( > 0 && itemPending(initial, input));
- function submit() {
- dispatch('submit', { name: });
+ function onsubmit(event: SubmitEvent) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ submit({ ...input });
-<form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}>
+<form {onsubmit}>
<div class="grid-labels">
- <Labelled label="Name" let:id>
- <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-autofocus -->
- <input autofocus required {id} bind:value={} />
- </Labelled>
+ <label class="self-center" for="name">Name</label>
+ <!-- svelte-ignore a11y_autofocus -->
+ <input autofocus required id="name" bind:value={} />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex gap-4">
+ {@render children?.()}
+ <div class="grow"></div>
+ <SubmitButton {pending} />
- <slot />
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/forms/CharacterForm.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/forms/CharacterForm.svelte
index 4cec37c..23b3ef7 100644
--- a/frontend/src/lib/forms/CharacterForm.svelte
+++ b/frontend/src/lib/forms/CharacterForm.svelte
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
<script lang="ts">
- import { type CharacterInput } from '$gql/Mutations';
- import { type OmitIdentifiers } from '$gql/Utils';
- import { type Character } from '$gql/graphql';
- import Labelled from '$lib/components/Labelled.svelte';
- import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
+ import type { AddCharacterInput, Character } from '$gql/graphql';
+ import SubmitButton from '$lib/components/SubmitButton.svelte';
+ import { itemPending, type FormProps } from '$lib/Form';
- const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ submit: CharacterInput }>();
+ let { initial, submit, children }: FormProps<Character, AddCharacterInput> = $props();
- export let character: OmitIdentifiers<Character>;
+ let input = $state(initial);
+ let pending = $derived( > 0 && itemPending(initial, input));
- function submit() {
- dispatch('submit', { name: });
+ function onsubmit(event: SubmitEvent) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ submit({ ...input });
-<form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}>
+<form {onsubmit}>
<div class="grid-labels">
- <Labelled label="Name" let:id>
- <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-autofocus -->
- <input autofocus required {id} bind:value={} />
- </Labelled>
+ <label class="self-center" for="name">Name</label>
+ <!-- svelte-ignore a11y_autofocus -->
+ <input autofocus required id="name" bind:value={} />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex gap-4">
+ {@render children?.()}
+ <div class="grow"></div>
+ <SubmitButton {pending} />
- <slot />
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/forms/CircleForm.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/forms/CircleForm.svelte
index b71256c..ba6013a 100644
--- a/frontend/src/lib/forms/CircleForm.svelte
+++ b/frontend/src/lib/forms/CircleForm.svelte
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
<script lang="ts">
- import { type CircleInput } from '$gql/Mutations';
- import { type OmitIdentifiers } from '$gql/Utils';
- import { type Circle } from '$gql/graphql';
- import Labelled from '$lib/components/Labelled.svelte';
- import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
+ import type { AddCircleInput, Circle } from '$gql/graphql';
+ import SubmitButton from '$lib/components/SubmitButton.svelte';
+ import { itemPending, type FormProps } from '$lib/Form';
- const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ submit: CircleInput }>();
+ let { initial, submit, children }: FormProps<Circle, AddCircleInput> = $props();
- export let circle: OmitIdentifiers<Circle>;
+ let input = $state(initial);
+ let pending = $derived( > 0 && itemPending(initial, input));
- function submit() {
- dispatch('submit', { name: });
+ function onsubmit(event: SubmitEvent) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ submit({ ...input });
-<form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}>
+<form {onsubmit}>
<div class="grid-labels">
- <Labelled label="Name" let:id>
- <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-autofocus -->
- <input required autofocus {id} bind:value={} />
- </Labelled>
+ <label class="self-center" for="name">Name</label>
+ <!-- svelte-ignore a11y_autofocus -->
+ <input autofocus required id="name" bind:value={} />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex gap-4">
+ {@render children?.()}
+ <div class="grow"></div>
+ <SubmitButton {pending} />
- <slot />
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/forms/ComicForm.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/forms/ComicForm.svelte
index 74051c8..adc6a34 100644
--- a/frontend/src/lib/forms/ComicForm.svelte
+++ b/frontend/src/lib/forms/ComicForm.svelte
@@ -3,98 +3,113 @@
import { type OmitIdentifiers } from '$gql/Utils';
import type { FullComicFragment, UpdateComicInput } from '$gql/graphql';
import { categories, censorships, directions, languages, layouts, ratings } from '$lib/Enums';
- import Labelled from '$lib/components/Labelled.svelte';
import LabelledBlock from '$lib/components/LabelledBlock.svelte';
import Select from '$lib/components/Select.svelte';
import { getContextClient } from '@urql/svelte';
- import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
+ import { type Snippet } from 'svelte';
const client = getContextClient();
- const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ submit: UpdateComicInput }>();
- export let comic: OmitIdentifiers<FullComicFragment>;
- $: tagsQuery = comicTagList(client);
- $: artistsQuery = artistList(client);
- $: charactersQuery = characterList(client);
- $: circlesQuery = circleList(client);
- $: worldsQuery = worldList(client);
- $: tags = $;
- $: artists = $;
- $: characters = $;
- $: circles = $;
- $: worlds = $;
- function submit() {
- dispatch('submit', {
- direction: comic.direction,
- layout: comic.layout,
- rating: comic.rating,
- category: comic.category,
- censorship: comic.censorship,
- title: comic.title,
- originalTitle: comic.originalTitle,
- url: comic.url,
- date: === '' ? null :,
- language: comic.language,
- tags: { ids: => },
- artists: { ids: => },
- characters: { ids: => },
- circles: { ids: => },
- worlds: { ids: => }
+ interface Props {
+ input: OmitIdentifiers<FullComicFragment>;
+ submit: (input: UpdateComicInput) => void;
+ children?: Snippet;
+ }
+ let { input = $bindable(), submit, children }: Props = $props();
+ let tagsQuery = $derived(comicTagList(client));
+ let artistsQuery = $derived(artistList(client));
+ let charactersQuery = $derived(characterList(client));
+ let circlesQuery = $derived(circleList(client));
+ let worldsQuery = $derived(worldList(client));
+ let tags = $derived($;
+ let artists = $derived($;
+ let characters = $derived($;
+ let circles = $derived($;
+ let worlds = $derived($;
+ function onsubmit(event: SubmitEvent) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ submit({
+ direction: input.direction,
+ layout: input.layout,
+ rating: input.rating,
+ category: input.category,
+ censorship: input.censorship,
+ title: input.title,
+ originalTitle: input.originalTitle,
+ url: input.url,
+ date: === '' ? null :,
+ language: input.language,
+ tags: { ids: => },
+ artists: { ids: => },
+ characters: { ids: => },
+ circles: { ids: => },
+ worlds: { ids: => }
-<form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}>
+<form {onsubmit}>
<div class="grid-labels">
- <Labelled label="Title" let:id>
- <input required {id} bind:value={comic.title} title={comic.title} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Original Title" let:id>
- <input {id} bind:value={comic.originalTitle} title={comic.originalTitle} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="URL" let:id>
- <input {id} bind:value={comic.url} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Date" let:id>
- <input {id} type="date" bind:value={} pattern={'d{4}-d{2}-d{2}'} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Category" let:id>
- <Select {id} options={categories} bind:value={comic.category} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Rating" let:id>
- <Select {id} options={ratings} bind:value={comic.rating} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Censorship" let:id>
- <Select {id} options={censorships} bind:value={comic.censorship} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Language" let:id>
- <Select {id} options={languages} bind:value={comic.language} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Direction" let:id>
- <Select {id} options={directions} bind:value={comic.direction} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Layout" let:id>
- <Select {id} options={layouts} bind:value={comic.layout} />
- </Labelled>
+ <label class="self-center" for="title">Title</label>
+ <input required id="title" bind:value={input.title} title={input.title} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="original-title">Original Title</label>
+ <input id="original-title" bind:value={input.originalTitle} title={input.originalTitle} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="url">URL</label>
+ <input id="url" bind:value={input.url} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="date">Date</label>
+ <input id="date" type="date" bind:value={} pattern={'d{4}-d{2}-d{2}'} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="category">Category</label>
+ <Select id="category" options={categories} bind:value={input.category} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="rating">Rating</label>
+ <Select id="rating" options={ratings} bind:value={input.rating} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="censorship">Censorship</label>
+ <Select id="censorship" options={censorships} bind:value={input.censorship} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="language">Language</label>
+ <Select id="language" options={languages} bind:value={input.language} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="direction">Direction</label>
+ <Select id="direction" options={directions} bind:value={input.direction} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="layout">Layout</label>
+ <Select id="layout" options={layouts} bind:value={input.layout} />
- <LabelledBlock label="Artists" let:id>
- <Select multi object {id} options={artists} bind:value={comic.artists} />
+ <LabelledBlock label="Artists">
+ {#snippet children({ id })}
+ <Select multi object {id} options={artists} bind:value={input.artists} />
+ {/snippet}
- <LabelledBlock label="Circles" let:id>
- <Select multi object {id} options={circles} bind:value={comic.circles} />
+ <LabelledBlock label="Circles">
+ {#snippet children({ id })}
+ <Select multi object {id} options={circles} bind:value={input.circles} />
+ {/snippet}
- <LabelledBlock label="Characters" let:id>
- <Select multi object {id} options={characters} bind:value={comic.characters} />
+ <LabelledBlock label="Characters">
+ {#snippet children({ id })}
+ <Select multi object {id} options={characters} bind:value={input.characters} />
+ {/snippet}
- <LabelledBlock label="Worlds" let:id>
- <Select multi object {id} options={worlds} bind:value={comic.worlds} />
+ <LabelledBlock label="Worlds">
+ {#snippet children({ id })}
+ <Select multi object {id} options={worlds} bind:value={input.worlds} />
+ {/snippet}
- <LabelledBlock label="Tags" let:id>
- <Select multi object {id} options={tags} bind:value={comic.tags} />
+ <LabelledBlock label="Tags">
+ {#snippet children({ id })}
+ <Select multi object {id} options={tags} bind:value={input.tags} />
+ {/snippet}
- <slot />
+ {@render children?.()}
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/forms/NamespaceForm.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/forms/NamespaceForm.svelte
index c05b6d8..3631d84 100644
--- a/frontend/src/lib/forms/NamespaceForm.svelte
+++ b/frontend/src/lib/forms/NamespaceForm.svelte
@@ -1,28 +1,31 @@
<script lang="ts">
- import { type NamespaceInput } from '$gql/Mutations';
- import { type OmitIdentifiers } from '$gql/Utils';
- import { type Namespace } from '$gql/graphql';
- import Labelled from '$lib/components/Labelled.svelte';
- import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
+ import type { AddNamespaceInput, Namespace } from '$gql/graphql';
+ import SubmitButton from '$lib/components/SubmitButton.svelte';
+ import { namespacePending, type FormProps } from '$lib/Form';
- const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ submit: NamespaceInput }>();
+ let { initial, submit, children }: FormProps<Namespace, AddNamespaceInput> = $props();
- export let namespace: OmitIdentifiers<Namespace>;
+ let input = $state(initial);
+ let pending = $derived( > 0 && namespacePending(initial, input));
- function submit() {
- dispatch('submit', { name:, sortName: namespace.sortName });
+ function onsubmit(event: SubmitEvent) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ submit({ ...input });
-<form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}>
+<form {onsubmit}>
<div class="grid-labels">
- <Labelled label="Name" let:id>
- <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-autofocus -->
- <input required autofocus {id} bind:value={} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Sort name" let:id>
- <input {id} bind:value={namespace.sortName} />
- </Labelled>
+ <label class="self-center" for="name">Name</label>
+ <!-- svelte-ignore a11y_autofocus -->
+ <input autofocus required id="name" bind:value={} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="sort-name">Sort name</label>
+ <input id="name" bind:value={input.sortName} />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex gap-4">
+ {@render children?.()}
+ <div class="grow"></div>
+ <SubmitButton {pending} />
- <slot />
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/forms/TagForm.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/forms/TagForm.svelte
index 6cc2227..2789587 100644
--- a/frontend/src/lib/forms/TagForm.svelte
+++ b/frontend/src/lib/forms/TagForm.svelte
@@ -1,42 +1,41 @@
<script lang="ts">
- import type { TagInput } from '$gql/Mutations';
import { namespaceList } from '$gql/Queries';
- import type { OmitIdentifiers } from '$gql/Utils';
- import type { FullTag } from '$gql/graphql';
- import Labelled from '$lib/components/Labelled.svelte';
+ import type { AddTagInput, FullTag } from '$gql/graphql';
+ import { tagPending, type FormProps } from '$lib/Form';
import Select from '$lib/components/Select.svelte';
+ import SubmitButton from '$lib/components/SubmitButton.svelte';
import { getContextClient } from '@urql/svelte';
- import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
- const client = getContextClient();
- const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ submit: TagInput }>();
+ let { initial, submit, children }: FormProps<FullTag, AddTagInput> = $props();
- export let tag: OmitIdentifiers<FullTag>;
+ let input = $state(initial);
+ let pending = $derived( > 0 && tagPending(initial, input));
- $: namespaceQuery = namespaceList(client);
- $: namespaces = $;
+ let namespaceQuery = $derived(namespaceList(getContextClient()));
+ let namespaces = $derived($;
- function submit() {
- dispatch('submit', {
- name:,
- description: tag.description,
- namespaces: { ids: => }
- });
+ function onsubmit(event: SubmitEvent) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ submit({ ...input, namespaces: { ids: => } });
-<form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}>
+<form {onsubmit}>
<div class="grid-labels">
- <Labelled label="Name" let:id>
- <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-autofocus -->
- <input autofocus required {id} bind:value={} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Description" let:id>
- <textarea rows={3} {id} bind:value={tag.description} />
- </Labelled>
- <Labelled label="Namespaces" let:id>
- <Select multi object {id} options={namespaces} bind:value={tag.namespaces} />
- </Labelled>
+ <label class="self-center" for="name">Name</label>
+ <!-- svelte-ignore a11y_autofocus -->
+ <input autofocus required id="name" bind:value={} />
+ <label class="self-center" for="description">Description</label>
+ <textarea rows={3} id="description" bind:value={input.description}></textarea>
+ <label class="self-center" for="namespaces">Namespaces</label>
+ <Select multi object id="namespaces" options={namespaces} bind:value={input.namespaces} />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex gap-4">
+ {@render children?.()}
+ <div class="grow"></div>
+ <SubmitButton {pending} />
- <slot />
diff --git a/frontend/src/lib/forms/WorldForm.svelte b/frontend/src/lib/forms/WorldForm.svelte
index 103dd5b..e6b821f 100644
--- a/frontend/src/lib/forms/WorldForm.svelte
+++ b/frontend/src/lib/forms/WorldForm.svelte
@@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
<script lang="ts">
- import { type WorldInput } from '$gql/Mutations';
- import { type OmitIdentifiers } from '$gql/Utils';
- import { type World } from '$gql/graphql';
- import Labelled from '$lib/components/Labelled.svelte';
- import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
+ import type { AddWorldInput, World } from '$gql/graphql';
+ import SubmitButton from '$lib/components/SubmitButton.svelte';
+ import { itemPending, type FormProps } from '$lib/Form';
- const dispatch = createEventDispatcher<{ submit: WorldInput }>();
+ let { initial, submit, children }: FormProps<World, AddWorldInput> = $props();
- export let world: OmitIdentifiers<World>;
+ let input = $state(initial);
+ let pending = $derived( > 0 && itemPending(initial, input));
- function submit() {
- dispatch('submit', { name: });
+ function onsubmit(event: SubmitEvent) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ submit({ ...input });
-<form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}>
+<form {onsubmit}>
<div class="grid-labels">
- <Labelled label="Name" let:id>
- <!-- svelte-ignore a11y-autofocus -->
- <input autofocus required {id} bind:value={} />
- </Labelled>
+ <label class="self-center" for="name">Name</label>
+ <!-- svelte-ignore a11y_autofocus -->
+ <input autofocus required id="name" bind:value={} />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex gap-4">
+ {@render children?.()}
+ <div class="grow"></div>
+ <SubmitButton {pending} />
- <slot />