path: root/docs/usage/shortcuts.rst
blob: 3f532e22dd022dced00283b9749236aae4b995da (plain) (tree)








**hircine** supports a number of shortcuts that are meant to streamline a few
common actions. Shortcuts may be made up of multiple keys. In that case, type
them in order.

.. _shortcut-navigation:


.. list-table::
   :align: left
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Shortcut
     - Navigates to
   * - ``go``
     - Home
   * - ``gc``
     - Comics
   * - ``gn``
     - Namespaces
   * - ``gt``
     - Tags
   * - ``gh``
     - Characters
   * - ``gw``
     - Worlds
   * - ``ga``
     - Artists
   * - ``gi``
     - Circles
   * - ``gz``
     - Archives
   * - ``gs``
     - Statistics
   * - ``?``
     - Help

.. _shortcut-metadata:

Adding metadata

.. list-table::
   :align: left
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Shortcut
     - Action
   * - ``na``
     - Add a new artist.
   * - ``ni``
     - Add a new circle.
   * - ``nh``
     - Add a new character.
   * - ``nw``
     - Add a new world.
   * - ``nn``
     - Add a new namespace.
   * - ``nt``
     - Add a new tag.

.. _shortcut-reader:


.. list-table::
   :align: left
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Shortcut
     - Action
   * - ``f``
     - Toggle fullscreen.
   * - ``z``
     - Open edit menu.
   * - ``Escape``
     - Close reader.

.. _shortcut-filtering:


.. list-table::
   :align: left
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Shortcut
     - Action
   * - ``F``
     - Focus search.
   * - ``f``
     - Toggle favourites.
   * - ``b``
     - Toggle bookmarked.
   * - ``o``
     - Toggle organized.
   * - ``r``
     - Toggle orphaned.

.. _shortcut-misc:


.. list-table::
   :align: left
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Shortcut
     - Action
   * - ``s``
     - Toggle selection mode if available.
   * - ``Delete``
     - Delete selected items.