# git-helpers This is a collection of miscellaneous helper scripts for anything that has to do with [`git(1)`](https://git-scm.com/). These are first and foremost for personal use. ## Scripts - [`git-init-shared(1)`](git-init-shared.1): Initialize a bare repo that multiple users have write access to. This uses `setfacl(1)` and thereby relies on ACL support. - [`git-package(1)`](git-package.1): Create an archive of a named tree suitable for distribution. - [`git-sign-for-cgit(1)`](git-sign-for-cgit.1): Generate a snapshot and store its signify signature for [`cgit`](https://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/about/) using [`git-notes(1)`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-notes). ## Installation To install git-helpers locally, run: PREFIX=~/.local make install This will install the scripts to `~/.local/bin` and the manuals to `~/.local/share/man`.