# bass A minimal wrapper around `mpc` and `beets` for the [fish](https://fishshell.com/) shell. [ListenBrainz](https://listenbrainz.org) integration requires [listenbrainz-mpd](https://codeberg.org/elomatreb/listenbrainz-mpd). ## Installation Use the provided `Makefile`. To install locally, run `PREFIX=~/.local make install`. ## Usage - `bass` will accept any command that `mpc` accepts. If no command is given, the playlist is printed. - `bass id` prints the MusicBrainz ID of the currently playing track. - `bass browse` opens the currently playing track on [MusicBrainz](https://musicbrainz.org/). - `bass love` marks the currently playing track as loved on ListenBrainz. - `bass hate` marks the currently playing track as hated on ListenBrainz.