path: root/README.md
blob: 53c3ee00cc3f31be7651e31637e26bc5cc52400a (plain) (tree)

# bass

A minimal wrapper around `mpc` and `beets` for the
[fish](https://fishshell.com/) shell.

[ListenBrainz](https://listenbrainz.org) integration requires

## Installation

Merge both `functions/` and `completions/` into your `~/.config/fish/` or
`$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/` directory.

## Usage

- `bass` will accept any command that `mpc` accepts. If no command is given, the playlist is printed.
- `bass id` prints the MusicBrainz ID of the currently playing track.
- `bass browse` opens the currently playing track on [MusicBrainz](https://musicbrainz.org/).
- `bass love` marks the currently playing track as loved on ListenBrainz.
- `bass hate` marks the currently playing track as hated on ListenBrainz.